Devotionals & Poems

Abundant Joy

In Philippians 4:4 we are instructed to “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, rejoice.” Then again in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 to “Rejoice always.” The Christian life is intended to be a joy-filled life, and accordingly Jesus speaking to His disciples said “…that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy be may full” John 15:11. In Luke 10:17-20 Seventy of Jesus followers who had been sent by Him on a ministry trip returned with joy because of the great success they had in His name (even demons were subject to them), but Jesus told them that this should not be the source of their rejoicing (yes there is a sense of joy in serving Him and seeing Him work through you) but the source of their joy should be because their names were written in heaven. There may come days when suffering, adversity, and trials will try to cloud that joy; but the Bible says we should look “unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross…” Hebrews 12:2. Our joy should not be driven by surrounding circumstances whether good or bad, but “From the wells of salvation” Isaiah 12:3 that becomes “in [us] a fountain of water springing up…” John 4:14. Peter addresses saints in Asia Minor whose trials were “grievous” and “fiery” 1 Peter 1:4-7 & 4:12, yet they had reason to “greatly rejoice.” Romans 12:12 says we should be “rejoicing in hope”, and the Psalmist in 43:4, in spite of adverse surrounding circumstances, says God was his exceeding joy. And 1 Peter 4:13 says we rejoice now to the extent we partake of Christ’s sufferings in the hope of the “exceeding joy” that awaits us at His return and the revealing of His glory.

Abundant Joy

By Rose Hill

What is the cause for this exceeding joy,
When there are so many things to annoy?
Our life is full of distress and trials,
And many temptations and self-denials.
I tell you why we are exceedingly glad,
And have no reason to be distressed and sad.
We have an inheritance that won’t go away,
It’s beyond the reach of change and decay.
It’s reserved in heaven by God’s power,
To be revealed to us in the last hour.

Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version copyright by Thomas Nelson Co. and are used by permission.

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