Devotionals & Poems

The Solution

In Luke 10:41 Jesus says to a troubled and disturbed hostess, “Martha, Martha, (probably in a tone of, why are you in such a state of mind and turmoil over these trivial things) you are worried (anxious, cared) and troubled (turbid, disturbed) about many things.” (Comments added) In Psalm 4:5-8, the Psalmist also sees many that are distressed about the surrounding conditions asking, “Who will show us any good?” Distressed over two different things, the cares of life, and the environment in which we find ourselves; both can have devastating consequences on us if allowed to do so. Jesus gave Martha the solution: it was to sit relaxed at His feet and hear Him. The Psalmist seems to have the same trend of thought, of delighting our-self in the Lord even during the seasons of “drought”, turmoil, and pressure that surrounds us, while keeping our trust in Him, and maintaining our righteousness in Him, and the “salvation” of the Lord will become manifest, verses 7-8.


His Favor

-By Rose Hill

I was looking for some good to see,

For many things did trouble me.

Then from my troubles I was freed,

When God looked upon my need.

For when His favor I begin to know,

Then my joy will overflow.

Scripture quotations are from the New King James version copyright by Thomas nelson Co. Used by permission.


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