Devotionals & Poems

God’s Visitation

To visit usually implies coming or going to see someone; it may be out of friendship, or it may be in a professional capacity. Visitation can be to inspect, or it may be to “visit” reward, or punishment upon someone.  The Scriptures speak of God coming to visit us, you see when we, the human race, fell into sin that put God in a position of having to come to us as a visitor instead of an owner! In Psalm 17:3 God visited David in a time of affliction and tried him, He examined or inspected him, and found nothing evil within him – not that David was “perfect”, but because his heart was after God and he was abiding under the sacrificial requirements of the law. In the New Testament Luke 1:78 speaks of “the Dayspring (Messiah) from on high” visiting us. You see, even though “the world was made through Him” John 1:10, He had to come as a visitor (as mentioned above) because man’s sin had placed the world which is around us “under the sway of the wicked one” 1 John 5:19, and “the rulers (Greek, a world ruler) of the darkness of this age” Ephesians 6:12. Jesus visit to this world brought “light to those who sit in darkness” Luke 1:79. Surely “God has visited” us Luke 7:16, and under the grace of the New Testament those whose heart is after Him, who follow Him, shall no longer “walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” John 8:12, and we thus provide Him a legal dwelling place on this earth, 1 Corinthians 3:16 & Luke 17:21.

He Visited Me

-By Rose Hill

You have visited me in the night,

When tears were falling and nothing seemed right.

You have found nothing wrong in Your sight,

That time You visited me in the night.

Your light shines on me from above,

Your tender mercy and Your love.

You visit me and make me see,

That Your saving power has set me free.

I needed help and I needed care,

So God visited me His love to share.

And when I am sorely tempted and tried,

God visits me to help and provide.

Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson Co. used by permission.


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