Devotionals & Poems

The Invitation of God’s Word

In Isaiah 55:1-3, God, speaking through the prophet, is inviting everyone that is hungry and thirsty to come and obtain satisfaction, delight, and to experience the full benefit of His covenant provisions. In these verses the water, the wine, the milk, and the bread are all used symbolically. The water of His presence will bring refreshing; the wine of His Spirit will bring Joy (Psalm 104:15, Ephesians 5:18); the milk of His word will bring spiritual food for strength and maturity (1 Peter 2:2); and the bread of His presence will bring sustenance to your life (Psalm 104:15, John 6:35, 48, 57-58). And God offers all this “Without money and without price.” There is nothing you can do to merit it, or no price you can pay to receive it. Those of means and those who have nothing are on the same level, and all that is required is to come and receive it. His invitation is to all, “Come to Me…” (Matthew 11:28), and “Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.” (Revelation 22:17).

God Speaks

-by Rose Hill

(Based on Isaiah 55:1-3, 11-12)

I am calling to you who are thirsty for more

Of My great power, more than you had before.

Come to the waters and listen and wait,

Something great is in store so don’t be late.

No money is needed to get priceless treasure,

It’s spiritual wine and milk without measure.

When surrender of self is freely given,

You will then know the real blessing of living.

Some people spend money till the day they die,

For many things that do not satisfy.

But with joy and peace you can be led,

When the word of God you have read.

So eat of My word and hearken to Me,

Then your soul will have peace and your spirit be free.

The mountains and hills will break into singing,

The trees of the field are praise to Me bringing.

So obey MY word and believe what I say,

And My blessings will come to you every day.

Scripture quotations are from the New King James version copyright by Thomas Nelson Co. used by permission.

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