Devotionals & Poems


David and the men who had joined themselves with him along with their families were living in a town called Ziklag. While the men were away from home the Amalekites invaded the region burning Ziklag with fire and taking their families captive. In their grief the men seem to have blamed it on David and were talking about stoning him. With such weight on his shoulders David became very distressed, but the Bible says he “encouraged himself in the Lord” 1 Samuel 30:6 KJV. In times of distress, anguish, and discouragement we need to take this lesson from David and do the same. When you feel like you are about to be overrun by the enemies armies like king Jehoshaphat and Judah in 2 Chronicles 20 listen to the end of the Jehoshaphat’s prayer in verse 12, “but our eyes are upon You” (KJV) and watch the deliverance of the Lord. Having received this great help and encouragement from God we in turn become enabled to “…console (comfort and encourage) those who are in any kind of trouble or distress…” 2 Corinthians 1:4, Amplified Bible. As children of God we are intended to encourage and help one another, (see Romans 1:12). Proverbs 27:17 likens our relationships to iron sharpening iron, which I picture as a sharpening tool being used to sharpen another tool; I like the way the Living Bible says it, “A friendly discussion is as stimulating as the sparks that fly when iron strikes iron.” As God’s family each of us is endued with the privilege – yes I would even say the obligation – to encourage one another in the ways and things of God, (see 1 Corinthians 14:31 and Colossians 2:2).
Heavenly support
By Rose Hill
We now cast upon the Lord all our care,
We will trust Him completely and leave it there.
Our friends love us more than we know,
They want every anxiety in our life to go.
The Lord is able to correct every wrong,
So we encourage our hearts and become strong.

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