Devotionals & Poems

Wonderful Works (part two)

Recently we thought about our wonderful Lord, and then about His wonderful works as He seeks to reveal Himself to us, now today we conclude this short series looking at His wonderful works in us. In Psalm 107 15-24, especially 16-20, “He has broken the gates of bronze, And cut the bars of iron in two.” He breaks every stronghold of addictions, habits, and every sinful way, for “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (or as KJV delivered), Joel 2:32. Then picking up again, in verse 19 of Psalm 107 He emphasizes that it is when we call out to Him that He saves and delivers. Because His works toward us are so great and good, four times in this Psalm the writer cries out “Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men” verses 8,15,21,31. Turning to Psalm 143:5-8 David is remembering, meditating on, and pondering God’s great works, and cries out for a greater revelation of God and to hear the voice of His lovingkindness and direction every morning. Yes, He does speak, but we are admonished to listen; in Mark 4:9.23 Jesus said “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” And if we’ll look at Psalm 145:8-10 he points us to see the gracious compassion, mercy, and goodness that are over all His works, which bring praise to Him, and His saints are encouraged to do the same!

God’s Wonderful Works (part two)

By Rose Hill

To You our God we will draw near,

Trust in Your works and have no fear.

Men should really praise You for Your works so great,

And all of Your wonders appreciate.

Some of us were foolish and by the devil were bound,

But You have broken the fetters and turned us around.

You send forth Your word and heal when we weep,

We see Your mighty works and Your wonders are deep.

We remember the things You did long ago,

You are good to all and Your mercies we know.

Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson Co. used by permission

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