Devotionals & Poems

Monthly archives for December, 2022

The Two Trees

The Two Trees

In Genesis 2 is the story of two trees, the one was life giving and life sustaining, and the other would bring death and all the side effects that came with it. God clearly laid out the choice before Adam warning that he should not partake of the second tree if he would choose life. […]



Christmas, the time many claim to celebrate the birth of Jesus our Savior, although we do not know the day of the week or of the year on which He was born. It is most probable that it was not in December based on Luke 2:8 where the shepherds were “living out in the fields […]

God’s Powerful Word

God’s Powerful Word

“The word became flesh and dwelt among us…”John 1:14. Just as God manifested Himself to the Hebrew people through the Tabernacle in the wilderness, so Jesus came to manifest Him to us by “Tabernacling” (or dwelling) among us so we can behold and experience His glory. He is God’s living and life changing word in […]

God’s Perfect Rest

God’s Perfect Rest

“There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His” Hebrews 4:9-10. God’s work of creation followed by rest in Genesis 1-2 forms a perfect picture of His new creation in us “through the redemption that […]

A Talk With Jesus

A Talk With Jesus

In Luke 24:13-35 we have the account of two of Jesus followers going to Emmaus on the day of His resurrection, they were downcast, sad, their hopes dashed, and their future plans crumbled, not really knowing how to face their future, when Jesus appeared on the road and joined them. While they had heard His […]