Devotionals & Poems

Monthly archives for August, 2024

Viticulture (Parables of Jesus part ...

Viticulture  (Parables of Jesus part Thirty one)

For today’s lesson Jesus turns to the type of agriculture called viticulture, in Luke 20 9-16. The farmer set out what seems to be a perfect vineyard, and then when going to a distant country for an extended time placed it in the care of others with the apparent understanding that he would receive a […]

It’s in the soil (Parables of Jesus ...

It’s in the soil  (Parables of Jesus part thirty)

  Once again Jesus draws from agriculture to teach kingdom truth, Luke 8:4-15. The picture is that of a farmer sowing seed in his field apparently the old fashioned way scattering it by hand. The seed is the word of God so it is very good seed of which God says it “shall not return […]

A sheep or a goat? (Parables of Jesu...

A sheep or a goat?  (Parables of Jesus part twenty nine)

In Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus talks about the time when all nations will stand before Him to be judged using the illustration of a shepherd separating sheep and goats into separate flocks. Sheep and goats have very different demeanors; the message however that Jesus is driving across is not about sheep and goats, it is about […]

Wealth or poverty (Parables of Jesus...

Wealth or poverty  (Parables of Jesus part twenty eight)

Weather you view the story in Luke 16:19-31 as a parable or an actual event the “bottom line” remains the same. Material wealth in itself should not be viewed as a sign of God’s favor and blessing, neither should the lack thereof, in itself, be viewed as a sign of His disfavor or judgment! God […]

My righteousness versus His righteous...

My righteousness versus His righteousness  (Parables of Jesus part twenty seven)

In Luke 18:9-14 Jesus spoke a parable to all those that trust in their ancestry or their good works for salvation. In this parable He contrasts a Pharisee and a tax collector: the Pharisee, one of the religious elite, comes to the temple to pray and begins by telling God how good he is, he […]