Devotionals & Poems

Monthly archives for February, 2025

The fruit of the Spirit (Part six)

The fruit of the Spirit  (Part six)

“The fruit of the Spirit is…joy” Galatians 5:22.The prophet Isaiah in a song of praise describes the abundant joy of God’s salvation procured through the Messiah, the Anointed one, Jesus, saying, “Therefore with joy you will draw water From the wells of salvation” Isaiah 12:3. This leads us to the words of Jesus Himself in […]

Fruit of the Spirit (Part six)

Fruit of the Spirit  (Part six)

Today we begin to look at the second fruit that the Holy Spirit produces in our lives which is Joy. Joy is a feeling of gladness, happiness, and delight; it is expressed with rejoicing, and is the opposite of gloom and depression! In the natural Joy requires favorable circumstances to be operative; but let’s face […]

Fruit of the Spirit (Part five)

Fruit of the Spirit  (Part five)

As we continue to follow the fruit of the Holy Spirit this will be our fourth and final meditation in this series on the one called love. Today we are looking at God’s love for us and how it affects us in our relationship with others. God says “Yes, I have loved you with an […]

Fruit of the Spirit (Part four)

Fruit of the Spirit  (Part four)

This is the third week we are looking at the fruit of the Holy Spirit called love, which is the first of this fruit listed in Galatians 5:22, and is also a key component in our witness for the Lord Jesus according to John 13:35. The Bible actually says in 1 John 4:8 “He who […]