Pleasure, that feeling of enjoyment and delight, or that which gives it to us; other words that describe pleasure include happiness, bliss, contentment, satisfaction, and gratification. In Psalm 16:11 David, speaking to God, shows us the place of lasting pleasure saying, “You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of […]
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Fifty Days
The Greek word Pentecost means fiftieth. It was the Jewish “Feast of weeks”, also known as the “Feast of harvest”, being celebrated fifty days after Passover according to Leviticus 23:16, and came to be known as Pentecost. This was one of three annual festivals that every adult Jewish male was to celebrate in Jerusalem, so […]
A Mothers Prayers
There are not many prayers actually recorded in the Bible that were prayed by women, however there are numerous women whose life and accomplishments indicate they were women of prayer. One woman’s prayer that stands out is that of Hannah in 1 Samuel chapters 1 and 2. She prayed earnestly for a child she could […]
Be Ready
In Matthew 25:1-13 Jesus teaches us about His return, likening it to a Hebrew marriage. The betrothal had been made, then during the engagement period the bride stayed at home with her parents and prepared her trousseau while the groom went to prepare a home for them. Jewish weddings usually took place at night, beginning […]
David and the men who had joined themselves with him along with their families were living in a town called Ziklag. While the men were away from home the Amalekites invaded the region burning Ziklag with fire and taking their families captive. In their grief the men seem to have blamed it on David and […]
“The Lord’s prayer”
Often the words in Matthew 6:9-13 are referred to as “the Lord’s prayer”. However these words are not really a prayer, but are a model teaching us how to structure a prayer. John 17, the basis of today’s meditation, is the real Lord’s Prayer where Jesus prayed for His followers, including you and me, verse […]