Proverbs – a book of wisdom – in 4:18 says, “… the path of the just is like the shining sun (light, KJV), That shines ever brighter (more and more KJV) unto the perfect day.” What a perfect verse to portray the journey of the righteous through the world of darkness that is all around […]
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An Early Riser
In Joshua 3:1-5 we see a principle that when employed can be very beneficial, “Joshua rose early in the morning;” here it was to lead the people of Israel on the next “leg” of their journey toward the land God promised them for a possession. The Hebrew word translated early in this verse means “to […]
There Is Hope In God
In a world filled with suffering, disappointments, broken promises, abuse, terrorism, addictions, bullying, immorality, bloodshed, and every other vice and evil, when life’s storms are raging high and it appears that all hope is gone, and we like Paul and those on board a ship with him in a violent storm at sea in Acts […]