Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Believing

I know He hears

I know He hears

You may ask, Does God really hear my prayer, and if so does He answer the prayer of mere men? The Bible says “whoever calls on the name of the Lord Shall be saved’ Joel 2:32, a fact restated in Acts 2:21. That means even if you are not yet a Christian all you need […]

Anointed To Be King

Anointed To Be King

David was anointed to be king over Israel in 1 Samuel16. Saul in an effort to retain his kingship sought to kill David who escaped to the cave of Adullam in 1 Samuel 22:1; then in chapter 24:1-3 he is staying in a cave in the wilderness of En-Gedi. One of these caves may have […]

Cornelius, the Centurion

Cornelius, the Centurion

In Acts 10 we are introduced to Cornelius a Roman Centurion, which means he was a noncommissioned Roman officer with a hundred men under him. There is no indication that he was even a Jewish proselyte, but he believed in the Jewish moral teachings and apparently was a monotheist, believing in their God. However this […]