Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Blessings

I know He hears

I know He hears

You may ask, Does God really hear my prayer, and if so does He answer the prayer of mere men? The Bible says “whoever calls on the name of the Lord Shall be saved’ Joel 2:32, a fact restated in Acts 2:21. That means even if you are not yet a Christian all you need […]

Wonderful love

Wonderful love

1 John 4:19 speaks of a love bond with God saying, “We love Him because He first loved us.” This love in the Greek language of the New Testament is “Agapao” which is to love in a moral and social sense without the need for affinity, chemistry, or feeling to spawn it; an unconditional love […]

Ruth, the transformed life

Ruth, the transformed life

Ruth is a perfect example of one who is not a child of God but turning to Him with all the heart experiences a complete transformation. As a Moabitess she came from a nation who while having a blood-link to Israel as descendants of Lot they were considered enemies of Israel, and thus enemies of […]

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

In Exodus 12:2 God commanded that the Israeli (religious) New Year begin at Passover month. Since Passover was an annual celebration they would begin every New Year by remembering God’s provision and deliverance from Egyptian bondage. This would lead to their following Him from day to day on the journey to their new homeland. As […]

God’s Perfect Rest

God’s Perfect Rest

“There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His” Hebrews 4:9-10. God’s work of creation followed by rest in Genesis 1-2 forms a perfect picture of His new creation in us “through the redemption that […]

Read And Known

Read And Known

    You are our  epistle” (a written message or letter) “written within our hearts; known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh” 2 Corinthians […]

Who Is My Neighbor?

Who Is My Neighbor?

A neighbor can be viewed as someone that lives close to you, but also as a fellowman, as the Greek word used by a lawyer in Luke 10:29 “And who is my neighbor?” as well as Webster bears out. As Jesus tells the parable of “The good Samaritan” in verses 25-39 of this chapter, a […]

Wonderful Works (part two)

Wonderful Works (part two)

Recently we thought about our wonderful Lord, and then about His wonderful works as He seeks to reveal Himself to us, now today we conclude this short series looking at His wonderful works in us. In Psalm 107 15-24, especially 16-20, “He has broken the gates of bronze, And cut the bars of iron in […]

Wonderful Works (Part One)

Wonderful Works (Part One)

In a recent meditation we looked at the wonderfulness of our Lord, His Name, and glimpsed how wonderful He really is. Today we are continuing to look at His wonderfulness, particularly how He seeks to reveal Himself to us. In Psalm 40:5 the Psalmist David wrote, “Many, O Lord my God, are your wonderful works […]

Wonderful Name

Wonderful Name

When we think of the wonderfulness of Jesus the first Scripture that likely comes to mind is Isaiah 9:6 where we are given some descriptive insight into His coming and mission. One of the unique things about this verse is the four or five descriptive names given to Him. Names in the Bible often had […]