Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Christian Fragrance

Fruit of the Spirit (Part six)

Fruit of the Spirit  (Part six)

Today we begin to look at the second fruit that the Holy Spirit produces in our lives which is Joy. Joy is a feeling of gladness, happiness, and delight; it is expressed with rejoicing, and is the opposite of gloom and depression! In the natural Joy requires favorable circumstances to be operative; but let’s face […]

Fruit of the Spirit (Part one)

Fruit of the Spirit  (Part one)

“The fruit of the Spirit is…” Galatians 5:22. What is fruit? It is one’s off-spring, or the product of any plant; the outward manifestations of the life of the plant, or with animate beings of the parents. Likewise the fruit of the Spirit is the outward manifestation of the God-life of the Holy Spirit within […]

Why love?

Why love?

As we look at love through the pages of the New Testament we find that in all except three occasions the word is translated from two Greek words, “Agape” and “Agapao” which convey to us the message of love, affection, benevolence, and loving in a social or moral sense. From these are revealed to us […]

Fishing for men (Parables of Jesus p...

Fishing for men  (Parables of Jesus part eighteen)

Jesus parable of a dragnet being cast into the sea by fishermen in Matthew 13:47-50 alludes to the church, His followers, now “fishers of men” Mark 1:17, casting the gospel net into the sea of humanity, which is the mandate He bequeathed upon us in Mark 16:15. Like in the parable of the tares, and […]

My neighbor (Parables of Jesus part ...

My neighbor  (Parables of Jesus part four)

Samaritan’s were a mixed race; they also had a corrupted form of religion. They and the Jews usually did not have good relationships with each other, and there was often a spirit of hatred and hostility manifested between them, leading the woman in John 4:9 to say “Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.” But Jesus […]



I believe that the Old Testament law lays out to us the standards by which to live that God created in us, but one act of disobedience broke the relationship with God allowing sin to dominate the earth and the entire human race, robbing us from our ability to live up to those standards! In […]

Perfect and blameless

Perfect and blameless

“As for God His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him” Psalm 18:30. God’s word is perfect as He Himself is perfect, i.e. entire, complete, and lacking nothing, there is nothing to be desired beyond it; full of truth and integrity. His […]

Our Christian attire

Our Christian attire

Colossians 3:12-17 begins by saying “Therefore, as the elect of God…” which means that God has chosen and picked us out from the masses of earth’s population to be His special people, a position enjoyed by “as many as received Him” (Jesus), John 1:12. In this transition God places a new spirit within us that […]

The light

The light

In Matthew 5:14-16 Jesus said “You are the light of the world…” But wait a minute, did He not say in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world”? Yes He did, and He is “the true light that gives light to every man coming into the world” John 1:9. Again He said in […]



Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” Matthew 5:9. Being born into this world in sin we have the tendency to be at enmity with God and our fellow men! Webster defines a peacemaker as “one who makes peace, as by settling the quarrels of others.” God is “the God […]