It is God’s will for His children to be filled with His joy! Jesus Himself though being “a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief” (literally pains and sickness – took upon Himself everything sin had bequeathed on us) Isaiah 53:3, was anointed “With the oil of gladness” even above His fellowmen, Hebrews 1:9. The […]
Posts in category Devotional
Truth And Love
Lifting five words from Ephesians 4:15, “speaking the truth in love.” What we speak and how we speak it have a tremendous impact on those to whom we speak. Our words according to the apostle should have two elements, truth and love. First we must establish what truth is; in general it is anything that […]
God’s Revelation Of Himself
Psalm 19 speaks of two specific ways in which God has revealed Himself to the world. First in verses 1-6 He gives us a general revelation of Himself, His Power, Might, and Goodness through what we call “nature”. Though incomplete, the Apostle says “Nevertheless He did not leave Himself without witness…” Acts 14:17. No matter […]
The Road Of Life
As we travel through life we often find it filled with sorrows, pain, hurt, and heavy burdens. The Bible recognizes this in Job 5:7 saying, “man is born to trouble, As the sparks fly upward.” The same sentiment is expressed in 14:1. There are two different Hebrew words used in these verses, respectively meaning trial, […]
Feed My Sheep
In Luke 9:10-17 the disciples see a crisis but Jesus sees an opportunity. The disciples tell Jesus to send the multitude away to purchase food and find lodging, but Jesus says “You give them something to eat.” The available food was very scant, but when placed in Jesus hands He gave thanks and blessed it, […]
“For Such A Time As This”
The book of Esther is the story of a beautiful Jewish girl that was “adopted” by her cousin Mordecai after the death of her parents. At this time they, along with numerous other Jewish people, were living in the Persian capitol of Shushan. In due time Esther is chosen to become Queen of Persia, exalted […]
Angels And Men
Hebrews 1 shows clearly That Jesus is greater than angels, however angels have a vast role to play in our lives; verse 7 says He “makes His angels spirits and His ministers a flame of fire.” Ministers here comes from two Greek words meaning “people” and “work” hence whether applied to men or angelic spirits […]
Abundant Life In A Troubled World
We live in a broken world filled with sadness, suffering, pain, and uncertainty; Jesus said “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” John 10:10. So how do we coordinate the two and experience this abundance in the midst of the brokenness? First we must be confident […]