Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Devotional

How Does God Speak?

How Does God Speak?

Actually God speaks in various ways calling us to Himself and revealing His ways and His will. Throughout Scripture we see Him speaking through dreams, Matthew 1:20; visions, Genesis 15:1 & Joel 2:28; angels, Matthew 28:1-7; Nature, (His creation) Psalm 19:1-6; circumstance, Exodus 3:2-4; an audible voice, Acts 9:4-7; a still small voice, (often heard […]

Marred But Remade

Marred But Remade

Being marred (which implies to be injured, impaired, imperfect, spoiled, or blemished) is in a sense being broken,( which carries with it the thought of shattered, cracked, crushed, and defeated with adjectives like “out of order”, “not working”, “useless”, Etc.) In Jeremiah 18:1-11 God sent the prophet to the potters house where he would receive […]

One Word Two Manifestations

One Word Two Manifestations

“Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled (Hebrew stationed, i.e. stands firm) in heaven”, Psalm 119:89. What a wonderful word that we can count on as being sure and steadfast. It is first a cleansing word, “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word”, Psalm 119:9 KJV. […]

With Eyes Of Understanding

With Eyes Of Understanding

Ephesians is a powerful book revealing the mystery of the church, giving us insight into our position in, and our walk with, Christ. In 1:17-23 the Apostle’s prayer is for God to give “the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him (Christ) the eyes of your understanding being enlightened…” that is the […]

A Dress Code?

A Dress Code?

The Bible lays out a clear “dress code” for the people of God. While there are some guidelines that apply to the clothing of our physical appearance the emphasis is on that of the inner person, the spirit man within. When we come to Jesus receiving Him as Savior and Lord that inner “man” is […]

On Sowing And Reaping

On Sowing And Reaping

On numerous occasions the Bible speaks of, or alludes to, seed sowing and harvest. Often, especially in the Old Testament, these are connected to promises made by God to His people concerning His blessing upon the harvest from their land. But in His wisdom and foresight there is usually an underlying spiritual concept that applies […]

The Church

The Church

The word church along with its plural form churches is found more than 100 times in the New Testament, and every time excepting 1, in Acts 19:37, it comes from the same Greek word, Ekklesia, which means “a calling out”. It can apply to a meeting or congregation, but it is not a denomination or […]

Rules Of The Road

Rules Of The Road

In driving a motor vehicle there are “rules of the road” you must follow for the safety of yourself and others; failure to abide by these can result in penalties at the least, and disaster at the worst! The same principle is true when driving on the “Christian road”. James chapter 4 warns against the […]

Poor And Needy

Poor And Needy

Through Psalm 40 David expresses his reliance on the Lord, confidence in His provision, (cf. verses 6-8 with Hebrews 10:5-7) commitment to Him, and his prayer for deliverance from his enemies. Then wrapping up the Psalm the last verse begins by saying “But I am poor and needy; Yet the Lord thinks upon me …” […]

Trustworthy, Dependable, Unfailing

Trustworthy, Dependable, Unfailing

Our title of Trustworthy, Dependable, and Unfailing are all descriptive terms of God and His word. It is very obvious that the Psalmist had a great love for this word and the God who spoke it! In Psalm 19 he begins by magnifying God for His great creation which was brought about in response to […]