Today we will look briefly at three more of the keys Jesus gave us in Matthew 5:1-12 to unlock and give us access into the blissful state of blessings that await those who enter through these gates. The fourth key is to hunger and thirst for righteousness, the righteousness of God. What happens when you […]
Posts in category Devotional
Beatitudes (Part One)
The next three meditations based on Matthew 5:1-12 highlight the nine “blesseds” we know as the Beatitudes. The Greek word translated blessed is “Makarios” and means “supremely blest” The Amplified Bible endeavoring to give us better understanding uses numerous words to describe it which include, happy, blithesome, joyous, enviably fortunate, and others. In these verses […]
Qualities Of Motherhood
The Bible says, “Who can find a virtuous woman? … Her children arise up, and call her blessed (Proverbs 31:10, 28 KJV). True God-ordained Motherhood is not accomplished just through the act of bringing a child into the world; it only begins at that moment! Neither is it determined by the amount of material things […]
Light Or Darkness
Light and darkness are polar opposites: the darkness of a stormy night with no light in sight verses the brilliance of the mid-day sun in a cloudless sky. This is the contrast of two kingdoms, the kingdom of God (which is light) and the kingdom of Satan (which is darkness). The question is which kingdom […]
What Do You Choose
In Deuteronomy 30:15, 19 God spells out a choice that He has always given to mankind, saying, “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.” This is the same choice God gave to Adam at the beginning in Genesis 2:16-17, but […]
The Shepherd And The Sheep
Sheep comprise a large part of the agricultural life and livelihood of the Near Eastern people, including the Hebrews, and are mentioned in the Bible more than 500 times. They are also a very fitting symbol of the people of God. David, the Psalmist, and king of Israel, had been a shepherd in his youth […]