Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Devotional

The Joyful Peace Of Christmas

“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” 1 Timothy 1:15. There was only one reason that Jesus came into the world and that was to deliver from the consequences of sin. He came “to seek and to save that which was lost” Luke 19:10. He stepped into the turmoil and chaos of the […]

Three Things God Desires For Us

Three things God desires for us, among many others, are that we experience the fullness of Love, Joy, and Peace. These are exactly what God sent Jesus into this world to bring to us. John 3:16 says,  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son …” His coming was heralded […]

The Desert Shall Rejoice

Isaiah 35 is a beautiful Messianic chapter with applications that are multifaceted. While some of it may have application to present day Israel, and it may apply to the future Messianic reign, there is also application to the present Messianic reign which is in the hearts and lives of the church of the redeemed, those […]

A Prayer Of Confidence

A Prayer Of Confidence

In Psalm 17, David references his own situation in which enemies and evil men have oppressed and surrounded him. He calls on God to be his vindicator, appealing to Him for His help. There is a neat thing about Scripture, where in portions like this, it focuses on the then present time and people, yet […]

So Great A Salvation

So Great A Salvation

Psalm 21, from where Rose’s poem for this meditation has been inspired, opens with the psalmist-king expressing joy and rejoicing in the salvation and strength of the Lord Yhovah, (Jehovah). Some expositors or commentators, as well as some Jewish Rabbis, view this Psalm as a picture of Messiah-king rising in victory. However, in the immediate […]



Wisdom is personified in the book of Proverbs with God calling us to attend to His instructions, and retain and keep His words, which are the very foundations of His wisdom. 4:7 says, “Wisdom is the principle thing; Therefore get wisdom, and in all your getting get understanding.” Wisdom is the great empowering force enabling […]

Hearing The Voice Of God

Hearing The Voice Of God

“Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk in it …” (Isaiah 30:21). Jehovah God is a God that loves to communicate with His people, using a variety of ways from a voice that is “as the sound of many waters” (Revelation 1:15), to the “still small voice” of […]

The Place Of Peace

The Place Of Peace

In Psalm 119:165 the Psalmist cries out, “Great peace have those who love Your law, and nothing causes them to stumble.” He had found a place where there is an abundance of peace (Hebrew Shalom, to be safe, figuratively well, happy, to have friendship and, abstractly, welfare, i.e. to have health, prosperity, and peace). Are […]

Attributes Of Jesus

Attributes Of Jesus

  In addition to the beautiful characteristics of Jesus enumerated in Isaiah 9:6, the scripture shows us numerous attributes that He extends toward us, and when we see these in Him they are a reflection of the Father; likewise when we see them in the father they are a reflection of Him, for He said, […]

And His Name Shall Be Called…

And His Name Shall Be Called…

The final name or title given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 is Prince of Peace, which, in Isaiah’s language, meant that as Prince He would be the head person, such as a chief or captain, of Shalom which includes safety (and figuratively) well, happy, friendly (and abstractly) welfare, i.e. health, prosperity, and peace. As His […]