Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Devotional

When Storms Arise (Part 2)

When Storms Arise (Part 2)

  Once again we return to the night storm at sea in Mark 4:35-41, which symbolizes storms that we may face on the sea of life. The disciples, some of them former fishermen knew the natural tactics of how to handle a boat in a storm, but this storm was more than they could handle […]

When Storms Arise (Part 1)

When Storms Arise (Part 1)

In Mark 4:35, Jesus had just concluded a teaching service where a multitude of people had gathered, and verse 2 says, “He taught them many things by parables”. Parables are short stories of things familiar in life that illustrate and convey spiritual truths. On this day, He taught them things pertaining to the kingdom of […]

Seeking God

Seeking God

A Prophetic Exhortation -By Rose Hill “To My seeking child”, saith your heavenly Father: “I delight in one who seeks to know and understand more about Me. For truly I say unto you, seek and you shall find. I am always anxious to give My children the desires of their heart, especially when they desire […]



Distractions rank high in the cause of accidents that often times produce irreversible results; innocent lives are lost, permanent injuries are sustained, and hearts are left broken and lonely. Distractions can work havoc in your life, and also in those around you! Similarly, distractions in our walk with the Lord and in our spiritual life […]

Times Of Trouble

Times Of Trouble

Words of wisdom from Job 14:1 say, “Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble” meaning commotion, restlessness, disquiet, and anger. A like thought is found in Job 5:7, “man is born to trouble…”, and a different Hebrew word here means toil, labor, sorrow, grief, pain, fatigue, misery, and […]

The Song Of The Lord

The Song Of The Lord

Singing is a means of expressing the deep feelings, emotions, and desires of the heart. Singing is likely to captivate the heart and mind of the one hearing it more than just spoken words. So when God sings to, or about us, it is powerful indeed! In Zephaniah 3:17 (Amplified Bible) He is speaking to […]

They That Wait

They That Wait

Isaiah 33:2 begins by saying, “O Lord, be gracious to us; we have waited for You”. The Amplified Bible says “waited [expectantly]”. What does it mean to “wait” on the Lord? The Hebrew word here is exactly the same one used in Isaiah 40:31, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; […]

The Path Of Life

The Path Of Life

The path of life is often twisted, gnarled, and unclear to our sight. When facing uncertainties and difficulties, there are times God says, “go forward” (Exodus 14:15); there are other times He says, “stand still and see…” (2 Chronicles 20:17). Whenever the way is uncertain, never rely on your own understanding, but rather “Trust in […]

Times Of Trouble

Times Of Trouble

Words of wisdom from Job 14:1 say, “Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble” meaning commotion, restlessness, disquiet, and anger. A similar thought is found in Job 5:7, “man is born to trouble…”, and the different Hebrew word here means toil, labor, sorrow, grief, pain, fatigue, misery, and […]

From Distressed To Rest

From Distressed To Rest

Looking at Psalm 143, we are told that the Greek Septuagint makes a reference to the rebellion of Absalom in the title, which rebellion is recorded in 2 Samuel 15.Whether this is the backdrop for this Psalm or not, one thing we know is that David has been crushed and persecuted by his enemy, and […]