Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Encouragement

In The Fullness Of Time

In The Fullness Of Time

The phrase “in the process of time” appears five times in the King James Version of the Old Testament translated from a combination of Hebrew words indicating that after a period of time or at a specific time certain things or events took place. While God Himself lives in eternity He deals with us in […]

In The Dark Hour

In The Dark Hour

  Have you ever struggled through a dark night season where it seemed like when will this ever end? This happens in the natural, but it also happens in the spiritual as we encounter the forces of “the darkness of this age (world KJV)” Ephesians 6:12. In Mark 6:45-51 the disciples encountered such an experience […]

God Has A Plan

God Has A Plan

In Jeremiah 29:11 God’s word to His chosen people is “I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope” NLT. His plans for the future and for eternity will be accomplished according to His sovereign will; […]

Marred But Remade

Marred But Remade

Being marred (which implies to be injured, impaired, imperfect, spoiled, or blemished) is in a sense being broken,( which carries with it the thought of shattered, cracked, crushed, and defeated with adjectives like “out of order”, “not working”, “useless”, Etc.) In Jeremiah 18:1-11 God sent the prophet to the potters house where he would receive […]

Master Of The Storms

Master Of The Storms

There are several times in the Gospels where Jesus had encounters with storms at sea. Keep in mind that two of the things symbolized by the sea are life and people; and some of the things symbolized by storms are adversities, opposition, and difficulties. In Matthew 14:22-23 Jesus sent His disciples on a boat trip […]

Trustworthy, Dependable, Unfailing

Trustworthy, Dependable, Unfailing

Our title of Trustworthy, Dependable, and Unfailing are all descriptive terms of God and His word. It is very obvious that the Psalmist had a great love for this word and the God who spoke it! In Psalm 19 he begins by magnifying God for His great creation which was brought about in response to […]



David and the men who had joined themselves with him along with their families were living in a town called Ziklag. While the men were away from home the Amalekites invaded the region burning Ziklag with fire and taking their families captive. In their grief the men seem to have blamed it on David and […]

Help From Above

Help From Above

Psalm 121 begins with “I will lift up mine eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help” KJV. The punctuation in this version may be a little misleading; I rather like the ESV “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?” What was in the Psalmists mind when […]



God has so orchestrated His plans and ways so that everything we understand from “nature”, from His creation, has a very similar spiritual truth and application. So do you want to understand more about spiritual life, about God and His ways? Then look to the seasons and to agriculture. Jesus constantly used things the people […]