“And the apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith” Luke 17:5. Now Romans 12:3 tells us that “God has dealt to each one a measure (limited portion) of faith.” Every one of us who are Christians has been saved by grace through faith (see Ephesians 2:8). From the moment of salvation we all live […]
Posts in category Faith
“Our God is an awesome God”. Psalm 8:3-4 considers the vastness of His created universe and in the midst of its entire splendor asks why He chose man above everything else upon which to bestow His utmost care and attention. The term “son of man” is applied to Jesus in the New Testament, and remember […]
Beatitudes (Part 3)
As we continue our fast paced journey through the beatitudes we hear Jesus saying, “Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons (children KJV) of God” Matthew 5:9. Being a peacemaker is imitating our Father, Ephesians 2:14. I believe this takes on two different aspects; one is peace between ourselves, peace among men […]
Look Up And Beyond
The Christian life is not a life free of pressure, stress, anguish, adversity, oppression, affliction, and crushing. In fact, when Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation” (John 16:33), the Greek word He used is “thlipsis” which means all of the above! The word is actually used of pressing olives or grapes to […]
Commitment To Prayer And Thanksgiving
In Daniel chapter six we learn of Daniel’s commitment to God and prayer. What did he pray for? The Bible does not tell us at this point, however we know that later in the book he prayed for the restoration of Jerusalem and the return of his people according to the Scriptures (Daniel 9:1-19). This […]
The Reliability Of God’s Promis...
Hebrews 6:13-20 points to “two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie …” (verse 18). These two unchangeable pillars are His covenant and His oath. His covenant is His promise, specifically to Abraham in Genesis 22:16-18, and generally to all who will receive it, “For all the promises of God in […]
Following The Presence
After Israel’s 40-year detour of wondering in the wilderness, the new generation is finally ready to enter the promised land of Canaan. According to Joshua 3:1-5, the people left the old encampment and came to the Jordan, which was now the final barrier separating them from their new land, and here, they stopped, and waited until they received […]
Bonding Faith
Probably the greatest picture of bonding in the natural world is found in true marriage when laying aside the modern trend, where marriage is entered into lightly, and then at the early signs of difficulty or of one not getting their own way, there is separation and divorce, with each treading their own path. True […]