When the Psalmist speaks of the Lord preparing a table for us in psalm 23, I believe He is thinking of all the good things God has provided for us. The moment you accept Him as your shepherd He commits to caring for you like a shepherd cares for his sheep, and He begins a […]
Posts in category Spiritual
Darkness And Light
We are living in times of great darkness upon the earth, times like are described in Isaiah 60:2, “For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people …” While this chapter gives Israel hope of restoration from captivity, it also embraces Messianic and Eschatological times. Darkness speaks figuratively of misery, destruction, […]
Failure Or Success?
Becoming depressed, discouraged, and feeling like a failure, is a tactic Satan uses to render God’s children unfruitful in acquiring and accomplishing all God’s purposes for them. Perhaps Elijah felt this way even after witnessing God’s provision and seeing His power manifested through him. He moves in fear and spends the night in a cave […]
“For Unto Us A Child Is Born”
If we consider Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Jesus, let us consider what His birth really means. We have a tendency to focus our attention on the humble surroundings of that magnificent occurrence, the heavenly annunciations of it, and the visitors that came in witness of it. His birth was not […]
As We Celebrate Christmas
As we approach the day we call Christmas we hear much said and sang about shepherds, angels, sheep, the manger; these however are not the real “Christmas” story, they are only props surrounding the real message of the occasion, the message delivered by the angel to the shepherds in Luke 2:11 was, “For there is […]