Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Spiritual

The Reliability Of God’s Promis...

The Reliability Of God’s Promises

Hebrews 6:13-20 points to “two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie …” (verse 18). These two unchangeable pillars are His covenant and His oath. His covenant is His promise, specifically to Abraham in Genesis 22:16-18, and generally to all who will receive it, “For all the promises of God in […]

Following The Presence

Following The Presence

After Israel’s 40-year detour of wondering in the wilderness, the new generation is finally ready to enter the promised land of Canaan. According to Joshua 3:1-5, the people left the old encampment and came to the Jordan, which was now the final barrier separating them from their new land, and here, they stopped, and waited until they received […]

The Secret Place

The Secret Place

Just reading causally, you may not recognize the significance and impact that psalm 91 should have upon us. In the first two verses, God is revealed not only by His Jewish National name, LORD (Yehhovaw or Yahwah, meaning Jehovah the self existent one), but also by three other titles; MOST HIGH (Elyone or Elyon showing […]

We Have A Mighty God

We Have A Mighty God

Isaiah 40 transitions from the declarations of judgment against Israel, Judah, and pagan Nations (brought on by sin and disobedience) in the first 39 chapters, to the return of Judah and Israel from captivity, speaking words of comfort and peace, the ultimate of which would be experienced under the reign of Messiah, with the rest […]

We’ve Been Given A Living Hope

We’ve Been Given A Living Hope

In 1 Peter 1:3-7, Peter addresses Christians with praise to “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope…” Why is it a living hope? First, because it is established in a living person, “…through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from […]

Bonding Faith

Bonding Faith

Probably the greatest picture of bonding in the natural world is found in true marriage when laying aside the modern trend, where marriage is entered into lightly, and then at the early signs of difficulty or of one not getting their own way, there is separation and divorce, with each treading their own path. True […]

Abiding Faith

Abiding Faith

The purpose of a vine, particularly a grape vine, is to bear fruit; but in order to bear fruit, the branch must stay connected to the vine, as we see in John 15:3, where Jesus uses a vine and its branches to illustrate Himself and our relationship with Him. Now, the question is, how do […]

The Path I Tread

The Path I Tread

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6). The tendency of our human nature is to figure it out ourselves; but, like a traveler who does not follow the map, we end up at […]

Listen For God’s Answer In Dark...

Listen For God’s Answer In Dark Times

We live in a world of darkness, and sometimes even Christians find it staring them in the face. In Micah 7:7-8, Israel had fallen into a dark place, but finally came to the realization that if they would turn to God He would hear them, and their confession and comfort is found in verse 8, […]

Claim God’s Promises

Claim God’s Promises

The Bible says, “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” (2 Corinthians 1:20). Yes means yes, and Amen in the New Testament means firm or trustworthy, as when we so often say, “Surely!” or, “So be it!” Brother Peter tells us […]