Devotionals & Poems

Posts tagged Christian service

A sheep or a goat? (Parables of Jesu...

A sheep or a goat?  (Parables of Jesus part twenty nine)

In Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus talks about the time when all nations will stand before Him to be judged using the illustration of a shepherd separating sheep and goats into separate flocks. Sheep and goats have very different demeanors; the message however that Jesus is driving across is not about sheep and goats, it is about […]

Faithful humble service (Parables of...

Faithful humble service  (Parables of Jesus part twenty three)

Using the setting of a man with a servant Jesus gives us a lesson on faithful, humble service in Luke 17 7-10. The servant goes to the field to till the soil or tend the cattle, when he returns to his master’s house does his master say, “Come at once and sit down to eat?” […]