Devotionals & Poems

Posts tagged Encourage

In The Fullness Of Time

In The Fullness Of Time

The phrase “in the process of time” appears five times in the King James Version of the Old Testament translated from a combination of Hebrew words indicating that after a period of time or at a specific time certain things or events took place. While God Himself lives in eternity He deals with us in […]

In The Dark Hour

In The Dark Hour

  Have you ever struggled through a dark night season where it seemed like when will this ever end? This happens in the natural, but it also happens in the spiritual as we encounter the forces of “the darkness of this age (world KJV)” Ephesians 6:12. In Mark 6:45-51 the disciples encountered such an experience […]

God Uses Human Interaction

God Uses Human Interaction

God did not create man to be a “loner”, isolated, or solitary. He made us with a need for each other and to interact with each other. When we have needs we call upon the Lord for help and find Him “A very present help …” Psalm 46:1. Indeed the Psalmist boldly proclaims, “My help […]

Master Of The Storms

Master Of The Storms

There are several times in the Gospels where Jesus had encounters with storms at sea. Keep in mind that two of the things symbolized by the sea are life and people; and some of the things symbolized by storms are adversities, opposition, and difficulties. In Matthew 14:22-23 Jesus sent His disciples on a boat trip […]

Treasure Beyond Wealth

Treasure Beyond Wealth

Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 4:7 “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels…” that is we have the treasure of Jesus Christ with the light, knowledge, and power He brings within these earthen vessels of clay, which like all vessels made of clay are weak and very fragile. In Romans 7:18 the Apostle said […]

The Shepherd Psalm

The Shepherd Psalm

Perhaps Psalm 23 is the best known chapter in the Bible. It compares the loving care and provision of Father God to His children with that of a shepherd caring and providing for his sheep. He leads the sheep to places where every need they may have is supplied. The phrase ”He restores my soul” […]

The Shining Light

The Shining Light

White and black, darkness and light, two of the sharpest contrasts we know. In Bible terminology light speaks of righteousness, and darkness of sin and evil. We cannot entertain both in our life at the same time, though it seems many are trying to do just that! As it is in the natural so it […]

God Promises You Rest

God Promises You Rest

God is a God of rest to those who follow after Him. God’s rest is threefold: there is rest for everyday life amidst the turmoil, strife, and difficulties of this present world; there is rest for that spiritual quest that is within us that cries for a relationship with Him; and there is an eternal […]

Power In The Kingdom

Power In The Kingdom

Jesus having been baptized by John in the Jordan River – thus identifying Himself with humanity, and leaving an example of righteousness for us to follow – the Holy Spirit came upon Him like a dove, and led Him into the wilderness for an extended period of fasting and prayer where He combated the power […]

Treasure Of The Kingdom

Treasure Of The Kingdom

Today we are looking at the treasure of the kingdom of heaven (or the kingdom of God) as we turn our attention to Matthew 13:44-46, where in the Amplified Bible we read, “The kingdom of heaven is like something precious buried in a field, which a man found and hid again; in his joy he […]