Often the pathway of life is obscure in the distance to our vision. In Joshua 3:3-4 the Israelites have come to such a place having reached the border of Canaan, the land God had promised to give to Abraham and his descendants. The final hurdle was to get across the Jordan River, now in flood […]
Posts tagged Encouragement
David and the men who had joined themselves with him along with their families were living in a town called Ziklag. While the men were away from home the Amalekites invaded the region burning Ziklag with fire and taking their families captive. In their grief the men seem to have blamed it on David and […]
God has so orchestrated His plans and ways so that everything we understand from “nature”, from His creation, has a very similar spiritual truth and application. So do you want to understand more about spiritual life, about God and His ways? Then look to the seasons and to agriculture. Jesus constantly used things the people […]