In 1 John 5:4 the Spirit of God tells us, “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.” It is very interesting and helpful to look at some of the Greek words used in the original writing. “Whatever” in verse 4 […]
Posts tagged Faith
Faith Or Hope?
Faith and hope are so intertwined that it may be difficult to separate them. It appears that one cannot operate without the other as its companion; without faith hope has no certainty, without hope faith has no object to believe for, or entity to believe in, no aim, goal, or target if you will. Romans […]
The Road Of Life
As we travel through life we often find it filled with sorrows, pain, hurt, and heavy burdens. The Bible recognizes this in Job 5:7 saying, “man is born to trouble, As the sparks fly upward.” The same sentiment is expressed in 14:1. There are two different Hebrew words used in these verses, respectively meaning trial, […]
Lost Hope or Living Hope
The book of Lamentations portrays the people of Judah, God’s covenant people who were given the covenants and promises, but had now rebelled and disobeyed, breaking the covenant. For this reason God withdrew His hand of blessing; punishment, destruction, and judgment had come upon them, and under these conditions hope seems to have been lost, […]
Growing Faith
“And the apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith” Luke 17:5. Now Romans 12:3 tells us that “God has dealt to each one a measure (limited portion) of faith.” Every one of us who are Christians has been saved by grace through faith (see Ephesians 2:8). From the moment of salvation we all live […]
Bonding Faith
Probably the greatest picture of bonding in the natural world is found in true marriage when laying aside the modern trend, where marriage is entered into lightly, and then at the early signs of difficulty or of one not getting their own way, there is separation and divorce, with each treading their own path. True […]
Resting Faith
The fourth chapter of the book of Hebrews speaks about entering the place of God’s rest, using as a backdrop the Israelites, to whom He had promised to give the land of Canaan, “a land flowing with milk and honey” (meaning a land of abundant provision and blessings) (Exodus 3:8, 17; 13:5). God had promised […]