Devotionals & Poems

Posts tagged Fruitful

Viticulture (Parables of Jesus part ...

Viticulture  (Parables of Jesus part Thirty one)

For today’s lesson Jesus turns to the type of agriculture called viticulture, in Luke 20 9-16. The farmer set out what seems to be a perfect vineyard, and then when going to a distant country for an extended time placed it in the care of others with the apparent understanding that he would receive a […]

It’s in the soil (Parables of Jesus ...

It’s in the soil  (Parables of Jesus part thirty)

  Once again Jesus draws from agriculture to teach kingdom truth, Luke 8:4-15. The picture is that of a farmer sowing seed in his field apparently the old fashioned way scattering it by hand. The seed is the word of God so it is very good seed of which God says it “shall not return […]

Vineyard laborers (Parables of Jesus...

Vineyard laborers  (Parables of Jesus part twenty)

As we continue looking at the parables of Jesus I will again point out that while being taught using a different picture, the main take away from various ones is very similar. With the repetition of truth we see its importance, also with different settings perhaps more will understand, and to be sure it helps […]

Fishing for men (Parables of Jesus p...

Fishing for men  (Parables of Jesus part eighteen)

Jesus parable of a dragnet being cast into the sea by fishermen in Matthew 13:47-50 alludes to the church, His followers, now “fishers of men” Mark 1:17, casting the gospel net into the sea of humanity, which is the mandate He bequeathed upon us in Mark 16:15. Like in the parable of the tares, and […]

Growing like a mustard seed (Parable...

Growing like a mustard seed  (Parables of Jesus part seven)

Another parable Jesus used likens the kingdom of heaven to a mustard seed in Matthew 13:31-32. The mustard seed referred to here is apparently not the annual plant we likely think of immediately today, but a much larger specimen, whose seed was very small but grew very large. The combination of these provide an appropriate […]

The Vineyard Of The Lord

The Vineyard Of The Lord

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah in his beautiful poetic style speaks or sings a song of his beloved’s (YEHOVAH, THE LORD GOD) vineyard as an allegory of Israel and Judah (the Old Testament church), in 5:1-7. The imagery is that of a well planned and cared for vineyard gone awry. Having carefully chosen and cared […]

Love Is

Love Is

Love is an attribute of God the seed of which is implanted within at the New Birth. Jesus said “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” John 13:35. This love (Greek, Agape) is not just an emotional feeling that we tend to associate with love, […]

Joy Because Of God’s Power

Joy Because Of God’s Power

It is God’s will for His children to be filled with His joy! Jesus Himself though being “a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief” (literally pains and sickness – took upon Himself everything sin had bequeathed on us) Isaiah 53:3, was anointed “With the oil of gladness” even above His fellowmen, Hebrews 1:9. The […]

Abundant Provision

Abundant Provision

When the Psalmist speaks of the Lord preparing a table for us in psalm 23, I believe He is thinking of all the good things God has provided for us. The moment you accept Him as your shepherd He commits to caring for you like a shepherd cares for his sheep, and He begins a […]

Growing Up Into Christ

Growing Up Into Christ

Growing is a phenomenon that we are all familiar with, and it includes every living thing on earth whether people, animals, or plants. As long as we live we grow! Plants and trees grow producing their fruit and beauty; even as “mature” adults we are told that cells in our body continually die off and […]