Devotionals & Poems

Posts tagged Kingdom

Fishing for men (Parables of Jesus p...

Fishing for men  (Parables of Jesus part eighteen)

Jesus parable of a dragnet being cast into the sea by fishermen in Matthew 13:47-50 alludes to the church, His followers, now “fishers of men” Mark 1:17, casting the gospel net into the sea of humanity, which is the mandate He bequeathed upon us in Mark 16:15. Like in the parable of the tares, and […]

The valued pearl (Parables of Jesus ...

The valued pearl  (Parables of Jesus part sixteen)

Jesus often used parables emphasizing the same truth but from a different viewpoint; perhaps this way more people would understand these truths, then too, repetition of a thing emphasizes its importance. Today we are returning to Matthew 13:44-46 where in our previous meditation we noted two parables pertaining to the value of the kingdom of […]

Hidden treasure (Parables of Jesus p...

Hidden treasure  (Parables of Jesus part fifteen)

In Matthew 13:44-46 Jesus gives us two examples in parable illustrating the superior value of the kingdom of heaven. In verse 44 He likens “the kingdom of heaven (to) treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys […]

Self interest (Parables of Jesus par...

Self interest  (Parables of Jesus part fourteen)

In Luke 16:1-13 Jesus used the illustration of a man that hired a manager or administrator setting him over his estate. This man was later accused of mishandling his master’s goods, and was notified that he would be terminated from his position. He begins to ponder his future, and to establish relationships for his advantage. […]

Fake religion (Parables of Jesus par...

Fake religion  (Parables of Jesus part thirteen)

From the times of ancient past viticulture (cultivation of grapes) has played an important role in Israel’s history, with their region having very favorable terrain and climate for this crop which was an important contributor to their life. In Matthew 21:28-32 Jesus uses these facts as the focal point of a parable teaching us that […]

Wheat or tares? (Parables of Jesus p...

Wheat or tares?  (Parables of Jesus part twelve)

With agriculture being an important part of Israeli life Jesus uses it more than once in His teaching about the kingdom of heaven, i.e. kingdom of God. In Matthew 13:24-30, He portrays a farmer that sowed good seed in his “wheat” field; then during the night an enemy came and sowed “tares” (a weed that […]

Faithfulness (Parables of Jesus part...

Faithfulness  (Parables of Jesus part eleven)

In Matthew 25:14-30 is one of Jesus “the kingdom of heaven is like” parables. Here He tells the story of a wealthy householder with several servants; calling them, he put them in charge of his affairs while he himself went to a distant country, possibly to conduct some sort of business. They were not all […]

The world way (Parables of Jesus par...

The world way  (Parables of Jesus part ten)

In Luke 12:13-21 Jesus responding to one that wanted Him to settle a family feud over an inheritance, uses a parable showing the futility of covetousness for earthly treasure. The story is about a business man (in this case a farmer) whose business was prospering and his desire was to get bigger and bigger, to […]

“Growing seed” (Parables of Jesus pa...

“Growing seed”  (Parables of Jesus part six)

God has so arranged it that the natural and spiritual work parallel to each other. With the people of Israel being very familiar with the process of agriculture and livestock, Jesus often used parables from these to teach the spiritual truths of the kingdom of God. In Mark 4:26-29 He speaks of one scattering or […]

The great banquet (Parables of Jesus...

The great banquet  (Parables of Jesus part five)

Another parable of Jesus is recorded in Luke 14:16-24 where He tells the story of a host that was giving a great banquet; the custom was that the invitations would be sent out in advance and when the feast was ready a notice would be sent out. His friends had received the invitation, apparently accepted […]