Devotionals & Poems

Posts tagged Kingdom

How Strong Is Your Foundation?

How Strong Is Your Foundation?

Jesus was the greatest teacher that ever walked the face of this earth, often using stories or parables to teach the principles of the kingdom of God. In Matthew 7:24-27 is one such allegory of two carpenters who each built a house, the difference being that one of them made sure he had a solid […]

How Does God Speak?

How Does God Speak?

Actually God speaks in various ways calling us to Himself and revealing His ways and His will. Throughout Scripture we see Him speaking through dreams, Matthew 1:20; visions, Genesis 15:1 & Joel 2:28; angels, Matthew 28:1-7; Nature, (His creation) Psalm 19:1-6; circumstance, Exodus 3:2-4; an audible voice, Acts 9:4-7; a still small voice, (often heard […]

One Word Two Manifestations

One Word Two Manifestations

“Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled (Hebrew stationed, i.e. stands firm) in heaven”, Psalm 119:89. What a wonderful word that we can count on as being sure and steadfast. It is first a cleansing word, “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word”, Psalm 119:9 KJV. […]

The Church

The Church

The word church along with its plural form churches is found more than 100 times in the New Testament, and every time excepting 1, in Acts 19:37, it comes from the same Greek word, Ekklesia, which means “a calling out”. It can apply to a meeting or congregation, but it is not a denomination or […]

Like Shining Stars

Like Shining Stars

Jesus was intent on doing the work of the kingdom of God during His window of opportunity in this world. In John 9:4-5 He said “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” But soon His window of opportunity in this world (physically) would be gone, and the […]

Life Of Power And Victory

Life Of Power And Victory

King David in instructing Solomon on building the Temple in 1 Chronicles 28:9 offered this counsel, “know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal (complete, friendly) heart and with a willing mind…If you seek Him He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off […]

Humble Yourself

Humble Yourself

Humility is an attitude of the heart; it is not self-condemnation, rather it views self as being insufficient in its own strength, as Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 3:5 “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves, to think anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God.” Pride says “I have attained this”; […]

Be Ready

Be Ready

In Matthew 25:1-13 Jesus teaches us about His return, likening it to a Hebrew marriage. The betrothal had been made, then during the engagement period the bride stayed at home with her parents and prepared her trousseau while the groom went to prepare a home for them. Jewish weddings usually took place at night, beginning […]

Light Or Darkness

Light Or Darkness

Light and darkness are polar opposites: the darkness of a stormy night with no light in sight verses the brilliance of the mid-day sun in a cloudless sky. This is the contrast of two kingdoms, the kingdom of God (which is light) and the kingdom of Satan (which is darkness). The question is which kingdom […]

The Desert Shall Rejoice

Isaiah 35 is a beautiful Messianic chapter with applications that are multifaceted. While some of it may have application to present day Israel, and it may apply to the future Messianic reign, there is also application to the present Messianic reign which is in the hearts and lives of the church of the redeemed, those […]