Devotionals & Poems

Posts tagged Promise

There Is Hope In God

There Is Hope In God

In a world filled with suffering, disappointments, broken promises, abuse, terrorism, addictions, bullying, immorality, bloodshed, and every other vice and evil, when life’s storms are raging high and it appears that all hope is gone, and we like Paul and those on board a ship with him in a violent storm at sea in Acts […]

The Certainty Of God’s Promises

The Certainty Of God’s Promises

In 2 Corinthians 1:20 we are told, “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen to the glory of God through us.” When God makes a promise you can rest assured of its fulfillment, whether it be that of blessing for the obedient or judgment for the disobedient. In […]

Faith Or Hope?

Faith Or Hope?

Faith and hope are so intertwined that it may be difficult to separate them. It appears that one cannot operate without the other as its companion; without faith hope has no certainty, without hope faith has no object to believe for, or entity to believe in, no aim, goal, or target if you will. Romans […]

Claim God’s Promises

Claim God’s Promises

The Bible says, “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” (2 Corinthians 1:20). Yes means yes, and Amen in the New Testament means firm or trustworthy, as when we so often say, “Surely!” or, “So be it!” Brother Peter tells us […]

Our Confession Of God’s Word

Our Confession Of God’s Word

When beginning his leadership role in Israel, God said to Joshua, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night …” (Joshua 1:8). The “law” refers to the precepts or statutes of God, and “depart”, in the Hebrew, means receding by contact, or to […]

The Promise

The Promise

Heaven; a place many people talk about, but relatively few are preparing to go to! It is a place of indescribable beauty, splendor, abundance, and tranquility from the description of its capitol city given in Revelation 21:1-22. In John 1, Jesus tells His disciples (who were probably troubled because of His impending departure from them) […]

Promised Rest

Promised Rest

Hebrews 4:9 states “There remains therefore a rest for the people of God”. This verse from the Bible uses as a backdrop the unbelieving Israelites who failed to enter the “promised land” rest in Numbers 14, and it also brings us to view God’s rest following His creation in Genesis 2:1-3. The historical event of […]

From Storm To Peace

From Storm To Peace

In John 14:27 Jesus promised His followers peace, His peace. Peace is not only the absence of war and strife, which is rampant in the world, but more importantly peace is a state of tranquility, rest, and calm regardless of the surrounding circumstances. This is the kind of peace Jesus promised in John 16:33 when […]

A Prepared Place

A Prepared Place

In Acts 1:11 Jesus had just been taken up from His followers when two men (we believe angels) brought this re-assurance, “This same Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” And when He so returns, 1 Thessalonians 4:17 assures us, […]

A Promise To Those Who Abide In Him

A Promise To Those Who Abide In Him

In 1 John 2:25, 28 God has made a promise, this could be translated as “an announcement with the special sense of promise”. This promise is to all those who receive Jesus as both Savior and Lord, and it is the promise of eternal life. Verse 28 gives us three words that guarantee who will […]