Into a world filled with the darkness of evil and hatred, God steps in bringing light with righteousness and love, exact polar opposites! “And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” John 1:5; the darkness does not understand the light, it cannot control it, neither it can it ever […]
Posts in category Comfort
God’s loving care
Psalm 34:18-22 is teeming with God’s truth of which we can only touch briefly in a short meditation. It begins by saying “The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart…” which means your inner being, your feelings and intellect become crushed and broken; then it goes on saying, “…And saves such as […]
Christ’s advent
It is almost beyond our human comprehension that the Co-Creator of the entire universe would become an implanted seed, leaving the riches of heaven and be born of a woman into the poverty of fallen humanity; but “though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor…” 2 Corinthians 8:9. He was born in […]
“Getting to know God” (Part four)
Today we are introduced to Jehovah Tsidekenu in Jeremiah 23:6 where it is translated “THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.” He is the one that makes us both morally and legally right in life and before God, putting us in a position of equality with Jesus of whom this prophetic passage speaks. It is not so […]