Job was an upright man that feared God and kept himself from evil, 1:1. Being severely tested he neither sinned with his lips or blamed God, 1:22; 2:10. However he spoke beyond his knowledge, and when God questions him he acknowledges his error, despises himself, repents in full humility, then steps out serving God and […]
Posts in category Devotional
Overflowing, Un-understandable, Exub...
Peter, in his first epistle, addresses people who because of their commitment to Christ are suffering various trials and rejection by their fellowmen, with such opposition that in 4:12 he refers to it as a “fiery trial”. Yet in spite of all this Peter takes note of, and thus encourages them to continue in their […]
A Living Fountain
In Jeremiah 2:13 God portrays Himself as “The fountain of living waters”. The problem is that the people to whom He is speaking have “hewn out for themselves cisterns – broken cisterns that can hold no water.” People still do this today; I ask you, have you tried everything this world placed before you trying […]
The Overcoming Victory
In Genesis 2:9 we are introduced to two trees “The tree of life” representing the life of the Spirit, and “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” representing the life of the flesh with its “passions and lusts” Galatians 5:24. Adam, the man God “made… upright” Ecclesiastes 7:29, obviously refused to eat from […]
Your Light
Peter, that famous Apostle, the one whose confession of faith is the bedrock and pillar of the Church as seen in Matthew 16:16-19, later wrote to the Church in his first epistle 2:9, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises […]
Peter loved the Lord very dearly, yet in a moment of weakness he stumbled. Jesus in that wonderful foreknowledge of God knew this would happen and warned Peter in advance, adding, “I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail” Luke 22:31-32. What a wonderful thought that if we stumble in a moment […]