Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Devotional



In John 14:23 Jesus said “…the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth…” There is so much more to worship than three songs in a Sunday morning church service accompanied by loud music! True worship that is acceptable to the Father has to do with the attitude of the heart. The word […]

The Beauty Of The Flowers

The Beauty Of The Flowers

The Bible compares our life to that of a flower, and there are flowers for every season; as the springtime breaks upon the earth it brings with it an abundance of beauty and fragrance. In a similar manner as Christ breaks forth in our life we are called to bring forth His beauty and fragrance […]

A Mothers Prayers

A Mothers Prayers

There are not many prayers actually recorded in the Bible that were prayed by women, however there are numerous women whose life and accomplishments indicate they were women of prayer. One woman’s prayer that stands out is that of Hannah in 1 Samuel chapters 1 and 2. She prayed earnestly for a child she could […]

Help From Above

Help From Above

Psalm 121 begins with “I will lift up mine eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help” KJV. The punctuation in this version may be a little misleading; I rather like the ESV “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?” What was in the Psalmists mind when […]

The Shepherd Psalm

The Shepherd Psalm

Perhaps Psalm 23 is the best known chapter in the Bible. It compares the loving care and provision of Father God to His children with that of a shepherd caring and providing for his sheep. He leads the sheep to places where every need they may have is supplied. The phrase ”He restores my soul” […]

The Entrance

The Entrance

In Psalm 23:6 the Amplified Bible says, “… through the length of days the house of the Lord [and His presence] shall be my dwelling place.” This could possibly be applied to eternity, but I think the application is for this life. So how do I enter into His holy presence? There is only one […]

The Light Of Hope

The Light Of Hope

Proverbs – a book of wisdom – in 4:18 says, “… the path of the just is like the shining sun (light, KJV), That shines ever brighter (more and more KJV) unto the perfect day.” What a perfect verse to portray the journey of the righteous through the world of darkness that is all around […]

There Is Hope In God

There Is Hope In God

In a world filled with suffering, disappointments, broken promises, abuse, terrorism, addictions, bullying, immorality, bloodshed, and every other vice and evil, when life’s storms are raging high and it appears that all hope is gone, and we like Paul and those on board a ship with him in a violent storm at sea in Acts […]

Our Overcoming Victory

Our Overcoming Victory

In 1 John 5:4 the Spirit of God tells us, “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.” It is very interesting and helpful to look at some of the Greek words used in the original writing. “Whatever” in verse 4 […]

The Road Of Life

The Road Of Life

As we travel through life we often find it filled with sorrows, pain, hurt, and heavy burdens. The Bible recognizes this in Job 5:7 saying, “man is born to trouble, As the sparks fly upward.” The same sentiment is expressed in 14:1. There are two different Hebrew words used in these verses, respectively meaning trial, […]