Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Devotional

Soar Like The Eagle

Soar Like The Eagle

Isaiah 40:31 “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.”  Eagles are amazing birds having eyesight four to eight times that of humans and being able to spot a rabbit two […]

A Secret Place

A Secret Place

In a world that is filled with anxiety, unrest, and fear, our heart cries out for a secret place of refuge from the “storm”. That place of refuge is not found by vacationing on a remote tropical island, a white-sand beach, or a mountain top cottage; it is only found in the presence of God, […]

What Are You Thinking?

What Are You Thinking?

“As he thinks in his heart, so is he” Proverbs 23:7. From this verse we see that words can be deceitful, as the surrounding text bears out. There are those who have a deceitful tongue and speak with a lying mouth according to Psalm 109:2. Thoughts and words are closely connected, (even those whose words […]

Our Victory

Our Victory

Have you ever noticed how many “natural” things have so much symbolization of the spiritual, and how God uses these things familiar to our understanding to teach us the realities of their spiritual counterpart?  One such picture is found in Ephesians 6, beginning at verse 11, using the armor and battle attire of a first […]

Have Faith

Have Faith

Faith is unquestionable belief; from a Biblical standpoint it is unquestionable belief in God; it is complete trust and confidence. It is persuasion or credence in the truthfulness, will, and power of God to bring about that which is not perceived by the senses. This faith is a gift from God who “has dealt to […]

Jesus First

Jesus First

The whole idea of Jesus teaching in Matthew 10:37-39 is that He must be number one in our lives. In the previous verses He is not attacking family relationships. He is pointing out that there would be spiritual friction when certain family members choose to follow Him and others do not; those that have chosen […]

Mornings of Mercy

Mornings of Mercy

Lamentations, though not identifying the writer, is widely attributed to Jeremiah. The people of God had declined morally in spite of prophetic warnings as recorded in both 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles; this decline led to their being defeated and carried into captivity. On behalf of the nation the prophet sees himself in their seemingly […]

A Word For Fathers

A Word For Fathers

The influence of a father can have life-long and eternal ramifications upon their children. In Ephesians 6:4 after instructing children in the honor and respect for parents the Apostle instructs, “And you. Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” Instruct and correct […]

What Do YOU Desire?

What Do YOU Desire?

The inspiration for today’s thoughts comes from Isaiah 26:7-9, “…the desire of our soul is for Your name…With my soul I have desired You in the night, Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek You early…” God has created each of us with three distinct parts, spirit, soul, and body. It is the […]

What Are You Giving?

What Are You Giving?

In Luke 6:38 Jesus said “Give and it shall be given unto you…” This is a very popular scripture that is often used to either encourage or entice financial giving with the expectancy of a financial return. Financial giving and receiving is certainly in the overall tenor of scripture, however this verse does not come […]