Today we will look at another “trademark” of greatness in the kingdom of heaven, which is obedience to God’s words and commandments. In Matthew 5:19 the NLT says, “…But anyone who obeys God’s laws and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” Obedience implies submission, submission not only to do those […]
Posts in category Devotional
Treasure Of His Grace
While treasure can be defined as gold, silver, jewels, riches, Etc. there are other treasures that are more valuable than these. They are the spiritual and eternal treasures freely given to us by God. In her poem this week Rose has in view the treasure of God’s grace. This grace according to the Greek of […]
Greatness In The Kingdom: Part 1
As we continue our series on the kingdom of heaven, today we are looking at greatness. Greatness in God’s kingdom runs counter to the notion of greatness in our fallen world where it is associated with exaltation; in the kingdom of heaven the way up is down. In Matthew 23:12 Jesus said, “And whoever […]
The Bible speaks of treasure in numerous places. Two identical verses appear in Matthew 6:21 and Luke 12:34, both are the words of Jesus Himself saying, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” So real treasure is what we view with the highest value. The Greek word translated treasure that is […]
Power In The Kingdom
Jesus having been baptized by John in the Jordan River – thus identifying Himself with humanity, and leaving an example of righteousness for us to follow – the Holy Spirit came upon Him like a dove, and led Him into the wilderness for an extended period of fasting and prayer where He combated the power […]