“Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk in it …” (Isaiah 30:21). Jehovah God is a God that loves to communicate with His people, using a variety of ways from a voice that is “as the sound of many waters” (Revelation 1:15), to the “still small voice” of […]
Posts in category Discipleship
Like Showers That Water The Earth
God’s children are likened to a flock of sheep throughout scripture, and the prophet Ezekiel speaks of them as such. In 34:26 he says, “… I will cause showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing.” This passage is eschatological with fulfillment in three stages, beginning now with the “church […]
Thankful Delight For God’s Powe...
Psalm 119 is largely about the word of God, and its author utilizes several related terms such as law, commandments, precepts, statutes, and judgments, which are employed well over 125 times in this one Psalm alone (in the King James Version)! Anyone who speaks of a topic so frequently is obviously, deeply ingrained in it, […]
The Power Of God’s Word (Knowin...
We read in Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword …” and this tells us that the word of God is energetic, active, effective, and working. It is something that is said – the thought, topic, reasoning, motive, and expression – specifically the divine expression […]
Better… (Part 4)
In Ephesians 5:18 we read, “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit.” We do not sanction the use of intoxicants because of their mind altering, physical controlling power, the devastating actions they promote, and Biblical considerations, period. While wine appears to be the most tolerable […]
Distractions rank high in the cause of accidents that often times produce irreversible results; innocent lives are lost, permanent injuries are sustained, and hearts are left broken and lonely. Distractions can work havoc in your life, and also in those around you! Similarly, distractions in our walk with the Lord and in our spiritual life […]
Times Of Trouble
Words of wisdom from Job 14:1 say, “Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble” meaning commotion, restlessness, disquiet, and anger. A like thought is found in Job 5:7, “man is born to trouble…”, and a different Hebrew word here means toil, labor, sorrow, grief, pain, fatigue, misery, and […]