Devotionals & Poems

Better… (Part 4)

In Ephesians 5:18 we read, “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit.” We do not sanction the use of intoxicants because of their mind altering, physical controlling power, the devastating actions they promote, and Biblical considerations, period. While wine appears to be the most tolerable fermented beverage in the Bible, drunkenness is condemned and forbidden. Also, remember, that up until the time of Jesus’ death and resurrection, even those who followed God did not have access to a changed heart, or born again spirit; under the gospel we have both, giving us access to the “new wine”. Concerning our text above, Revell Bible Dictionary aptly explains, “Paul calls on Christians to expect the Holy Spirit to lift their life out of the ordinary, so they will have no need for the artificial ‘high’ produced by wine and other alcoholic drinks.” Wine is used metaphorically in the Bible, as are many other things that are commonly known to men. In Isaiah 55:1, along with milk, it speaks of gladness, joy, satisfaction, and nourishment. Psalm 104:15, using wine, oil and bread, carries the same designation. Wine in the Bible is associated with joyous celebrations; in John 2:1-11 Jesus is at a wedding feast when they run out of the wine which the host (the “world”) had provided, but Jesus steps in and provides new wine that was better than the old. The old carnal nature thinks the old is better (not only the beverage, but the entire lifestyle) and consequently resists the new. In Luke 5:39, Jesus sadly looks at people that are satisfied with the legalistic system of the past (their past lifestyle) and are resisting acceptance of the gospel; He said, “no one, having drunk old wine, immediately desires new; for he says the old is better.” The problem is he has not tasted the new! In John 2:9-10, the master of the feast, not knowing the miracle that had just been preformed, said to the bridegroom, “You have kept the good wine until now.” Psalm 34:8 says, “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed (happy) is the man who trusts in Him.” Come, drink of the new “wine” and you’ll have no more need for the “high” of the old!

Better Wine

-By Rose Hill

Does wine make you mighty glad,

And your face shine and not be sad?

Does it make you forget your fear,

And your heavy heart become light with cheer?

To everyone who is thirsty, God says come,

And drink freely of My wine, it’s awesome!

Why seek the things that don’t satisfy,

Delight yourself in God and to Him draw nigh.

Now God wants to give us better things,

And a spiritual song that the whole church sings.

We are told to drink of the better wine,

When we’re filled with the Spirit our “face” will shine.

Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. used by permission.

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