Devotionals & Poems

Posts tagged Garden

Hidden treasure (Parables of Jesus p...

Hidden treasure  (Parables of Jesus part fifteen)

In Matthew 13:44-46 Jesus gives us two examples in parable illustrating the superior value of the kingdom of heaven. In verse 44 He likens “the kingdom of heaven (to) treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys […]

Wheat or tares? (Parables of Jesus p...

Wheat or tares?  (Parables of Jesus part twelve)

With agriculture being an important part of Israeli life Jesus uses it more than once in His teaching about the kingdom of heaven, i.e. kingdom of God. In Matthew 13:24-30, He portrays a farmer that sowed good seed in his “wheat” field; then during the night an enemy came and sowed “tares” (a weed that […]

“Growing seed” (Parables of Jesus pa...

“Growing seed”  (Parables of Jesus part six)

God has so arranged it that the natural and spiritual work parallel to each other. With the people of Israel being very familiar with the process of agriculture and livestock, Jesus often used parables from these to teach the spiritual truths of the kingdom of God. In Mark 4:26-29 He speaks of one scattering or […]

The Vineyard Of The Lord

The Vineyard Of The Lord

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah in his beautiful poetic style speaks or sings a song of his beloved’s (YEHOVAH, THE LORD GOD) vineyard as an allegory of Israel and Judah (the Old Testament church), in 5:1-7. The imagery is that of a well planned and cared for vineyard gone awry. Having carefully chosen and cared […]

Abundant Provision

Abundant Provision

When the Psalmist speaks of the Lord preparing a table for us in psalm 23, I believe He is thinking of all the good things God has provided for us. The moment you accept Him as your shepherd He commits to caring for you like a shepherd cares for his sheep, and He begins a […]

All Things Beautiful

All Things Beautiful

When we see the beauty of the world all around us, the flowers that bloom, the grass that grows, the sun that shines, the stream that flows, the birds that sing, the animals that roam, the fruit of the ground, and the people that populate the earth, we remember that all are the handiwork of […]

It’s Harvest Time

It’s Harvest Time

In the world of agriculture there is a window of opportunity in every harvest season in which to reap the produce; if it is missed or not availed of the harvest will be lost! It is such a scene that Jesus refers to and addresses in John 4 as He uses the agricultural harvest as […]

The Garden

The Garden

God was the world’s first Gardner when He “planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed” Genesis 2:8. The garden was apparently man’s home, and it produced everything he needed to sustain him, verse 9. In turn man was also to become a Gardner with the commission […]

The Fragrance Of The Flowers

The Fragrance Of The Flowers

Have you noticed the beauty of the flowers, and the lovely fragrances with which they fill the air? So exquisite and versatile that they grace weddings and banquet tables; they are sent to bring cheer and hope to sick rooms; and they appear in the time of death to bring comfort and uplifting to those […]

A Fragrant Garden

A Fragrant Garden

A garden is a place of beauty, and productivity. God has a garden with two aspects; the first is that into which we enter and find the beauty, peace, rest, and refreshment of His presence as we fellowship with Him. It is here that we are fashioned and incorporated into His garden as the seed […]