Today we are continuing to look at love as a fruit of the Holy Spirit: this love has its roots in the Lord Jesus Himself of whom the Bible says “having not seen you love” 1 Peter 1:8. First and foremost this is a reciprocal love that goes back to Him, as in 1 John […]
Posts in category Life
The world way (Parables of Jesus par...
In Luke 12:13-21 Jesus responding to one that wanted Him to settle a family feud over an inheritance, uses a parable showing the futility of covetousness for earthly treasure. The story is about a business man (in this case a farmer) whose business was prospering and his desire was to get bigger and bigger, to […]
My neighbor (Parables of Jesus part ...
Samaritan’s were a mixed race; they also had a corrupted form of religion. They and the Jews usually did not have good relationships with each other, and there was often a spirit of hatred and hostility manifested between them, leading the woman in John 4:9 to say “Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.” But Jesus […]
Getting to know God (Part seven)
Another name we find attributed to God found in Genesis 16:13 is “El Roi” or “The God who sees”. Hagar probably felt all alone here in the wilderness, but God saw her and showed up as, “The Angel the Lord” (a term believed to often indicate an Old Testament appearance of Jesus) saying “Where have […]
Eating or drinking
Jesus was journeying from Judea to Galilee and “He needed to go through Samaria” John 4:4, even though the Jews and Samaritans did not get along too well. While the most direct route went through Samaria He had a much more urgent reason to pass through that area. There was a harvest of souls there […]
Our Christian attire
Colossians 3:12-17 begins by saying “Therefore, as the elect of God…” which means that God has chosen and picked us out from the masses of earth’s population to be His special people, a position enjoyed by “as many as received Him” (Jesus), John 1:12. In this transition God places a new spirit within us that […]