Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Rewards

Vineyard laborers (Parables of Jesus...

Vineyard laborers  (Parables of Jesus part twenty)

As we continue looking at the parables of Jesus I will again point out that while being taught using a different picture, the main take away from various ones is very similar. With the repetition of truth we see its importance, also with different settings perhaps more will understand, and to be sure it helps […]

Faithfulness (Parables of Jesus part...

Faithfulness  (Parables of Jesus part eleven)

In Matthew 25:14-30 is one of Jesus “the kingdom of heaven is like” parables. Here He tells the story of a wealthy householder with several servants; calling them, he put them in charge of his affairs while he himself went to a distant country, possibly to conduct some sort of business. They were not all […]

The world way (Parables of Jesus par...

The world way  (Parables of Jesus part ten)

In Luke 12:13-21 Jesus responding to one that wanted Him to settle a family feud over an inheritance, uses a parable showing the futility of covetousness for earthly treasure. The story is about a business man (in this case a farmer) whose business was prospering and his desire was to get bigger and bigger, to […]

The great banquet (Parables of Jesus...

The great banquet  (Parables of Jesus part five)

Another parable of Jesus is recorded in Luke 14:16-24 where He tells the story of a host that was giving a great banquet; the custom was that the invitations would be sent out in advance and when the feast was ready a notice would be sent out. His friends had received the invitation, apparently accepted […]

The great banquet (Parables of Jesus...

The great banquet  (Parables of Jesus part five)

Another parable of Jesus is recorded in Luke 14:16-24 where He tells the story of a host that was giving a great banquet; the custom was that the invitations would be sent out in advance and when the feast was ready a notice would be sent out. His friends had received the invitation, apparently accepted […]



“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven”, Matthew5:10-12. To be persecuted is to be afflicted so as to cause you injury, distress, and annoyance. Now if being reviled and persecuted come because you have done something stupid, or you have acted outside of wisdom, and without […]