Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Seeking

Lost and found (Parables of Jesus pa...

Lost and found  (Parables of Jesus part twenty one)

In Luke 15:8-10 Jesus uses the scenario of a woman that has lost a valuable silver coin. The message in this parable is exactly the same as that of the preceding one about the lost sheep, but using a different picture, the “or” in verse 8 clearly indicating this. Such coins were “often worn in […]

Hidden treasure (Parables of Jesus p...

Hidden treasure  (Parables of Jesus part fifteen)

In Matthew 13:44-46 Jesus gives us two examples in parable illustrating the superior value of the kingdom of heaven. In verse 44 He likens “the kingdom of heaven (to) treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys […]

The sheep that went astray (Parables...

The sheep that went astray  (Parables of Jesus part eight)

Our next stop in the parables of Jesus brings us to that of the lost sheep recorded both in Matthew 18:10-14 and Luke 15:1-7; I am using Luke’s account today. In Bible symbolism sheep often represent people, for example “The Lord is my shepherd” Psalm 23:1; “All we like sheep have gone astray” Isaiah 53:1; […]



“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…” Matthew 5:6. Using our natural desire for daily food and water, Jesus portrays a person that manifests a strong desire, yes even craving, for righteousness (“uprightness and right standing with God)” Amplified Bible. We were created with this instinct within us, however, we like ancient civilizations […]

Come And Behold

Come And Behold

We are invited to “come, behold the works of the Lord” in Psalm 46:8-9. As we do so we note that He does many “great things” Psalm 126:3. Today we will focus on two aspects of His works. The first thing we see in Psalm 46:8 is that He makes “desolations” (Hebrew ruin or consternation) […]

Soar Like The Eagle

Soar Like The Eagle

As we tread the path of life if we become distracted by the surroundings and take our eyes off of Him who is the object of our faith we find ourselves becoming weary and even fainting, and perhaps becoming like God’s people in Isaiah 40:27 saying, “My way is hidden from the Lord, and my […]

 What’s In Your “Heart”?

 What’s In Your “Heart”?

During the Christmas season the heart of our attention seems often to be focused on the coming of King Jesus to this earth, on the joy of birth, on the joy of new life; but unlike the first Adam who was created to live but entered into a contract with the enemy and death, Jesus […]



Our King James Bible translates 23 to 27 Greek and Hebrew words all with the single word diligently the different numbers arising because in some cases it comes from two or three words; so in reading our Bibles the word diligently must be viewed in the setting in which it is surrounded. In Exodus 15:26 […]



In Proverbs 8:17 KJV we read “I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.” He is speaking here as wisdom personified. Now as we come to the New Testament we learn that Christ is both “the power of God and the wisdom of God” and He has “became […]

An Early Riser

An Early Riser

In Joshua 3:1-5 we see a principle that when employed can be very beneficial, “Joshua rose early in the morning;” here it was to lead the people of Israel on the next “leg” of their journey toward the land God promised them for a possession. The Hebrew word translated early in this verse means “to […]