Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Spiritual

Rules Of The Road

Rules Of The Road

In driving a motor vehicle there are “rules of the road” you must follow for the safety of yourself and others; failure to abide by these can result in penalties at the least, and disaster at the worst! The same principle is true when driving on the “Christian road”. James chapter 4 warns against the […]

Poor And Needy

Poor And Needy

Through Psalm 40 David expresses his reliance on the Lord, confidence in His provision, (cf. verses 6-8 with Hebrews 10:5-7) commitment to Him, and his prayer for deliverance from his enemies. Then wrapping up the Psalm the last verse begins by saying “But I am poor and needy; Yet the Lord thinks upon me …” […]

Treasure Beyond Wealth

Treasure Beyond Wealth

Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 4:7 “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels…” that is we have the treasure of Jesus Christ with the light, knowledge, and power He brings within these earthen vessels of clay, which like all vessels made of clay are weak and very fragile. In Romans 7:18 the Apostle said […]

The Difference

The Difference

Without question Jesus makes a difference in every life into which He is invited. Ephesians chapter two takes us on an exciting journey from death into life; from being controlled by the prince of the power of the air (which is Satan) to sitting together “in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus”; from being alienated […]



In Ephesians 6 beginning with verse 10 the Apostle guided by the Holy Spirit lays out stipulations for the battle we as God’s children are engaged in. He uses the metaphor of a first century Roman soldier in full battle array pointing to the spiritual counterpart for each piece of armor that we must have […]

A Victorious End

A Victorious End

As far as we know The Apostle Paul wrote 2 Timothy from a Roman prison cell that was no more than a dungeon having been arrested for preaching the gospel. At his first court hearing he said “no one stood with me” verse 16, but in the next verse he says “But the Lord stood […]



The Bible has much to say about our words. The un-regenerate mouth “is full of cursing” (that is to pray for evil, misfortune or to invoke a curse) “and bitterness” (acrid, especially poisonous), Romans 3:14. James 3:1-12 speaks extensively about our tongue, saying “it is a fire, a world of iniquity … and it is […]

Power From Above

Power From Above

Micah obviously lived in an environment where wicked and false prophets were leading God’s people astray; delivering God’s message to them he distinguishes himself as God’s prophet by saying, “But truly I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord” 3:8. As God’s people we are promised power to live and act differently […]

New Freedom

New Freedom

Jesus told a group of people that were following Him that they really needed to be set free from their old ways, habits, and bondages, in John 8:32-36. It was not enough for them to acknowledge that His preaching and teaching were true, but it needed to have a personal application and have a positive […]

Humble Yourself

Humble Yourself

Humility is an attitude of the heart; it is not self-condemnation, rather it views self as being insufficient in its own strength, as Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 3:5 “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves, to think anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God.” Pride says “I have attained this”; […]