Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Spiritual

Sorrow Turned Into Joy Following the death of a loved one there is great sadness and sorrow among family and close friends. It was no different when Jesus died, even though He had tried to forewarn them and tell them He would rise again (John 16:16-24; Mark 8:31) they had failed to grasp and fully […]

The Entrance

The Entrance

In Psalm 23:6 the Amplified Bible says, “… through the length of days the house of the Lord [and His presence] shall be my dwelling place.” This could possibly be applied to eternity, but I think the application is for this life. So how do I enter into His holy presence? There is only one […]

The Fragrance Of The Flowers

The Fragrance Of The Flowers

Have you noticed the beauty of the flowers, and the lovely fragrances with which they fill the air? So exquisite and versatile that they grace weddings and banquet tables; they are sent to bring cheer and hope to sick rooms; and they appear in the time of death to bring comfort and uplifting to those […]

New beginnings

New beginnings

The Resurrection of Jesus was an essential part of God’s redemptive plan and work, occurring on “the first day of the week”, Matthew 28:1-8. The first day of the week is the eighth day of the weekly cycle, and the number eight in the Scripture is associated with new beginning. The Old Testament era of […]

Life Giving Blood

Life Giving Blood

During the time of year we call the Passion season our attention is drawn to the sufferings of Jesus after the “Last Supper”, which leads us to focus on His blood that was shed for us. Peter writes, in 1:18-19 of his first epistle that we were redeemed “with the precious blood of Christ.” In […]

The Good News Of The Gospel

The Good News Of The Gospel

In Colossians 1:23 the apostle is speaking about the importance of the followers of Christ continuing in the faith and not being “moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven.” We understand these last words to be a Hebraism meaning the whole human race, […]

There Is Hope In God

There Is Hope In God

In a world filled with suffering, disappointments, broken promises, abuse, terrorism, addictions, bullying, immorality, bloodshed, and every other vice and evil, when life’s storms are raging high and it appears that all hope is gone, and we like Paul and those on board a ship with him in a violent storm at sea in Acts […]

Blessings Of God’s Word

Blessings Of God’s Word

Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, is a meditation on God’s word using more than half a dozen expressions to describe it; how many of these can you find in its verses? This Psalm is the inspiration behind Rose’s poetry for today, which focuses largely on the impact the word of God should […]

The Shepherd’s Leading

The Shepherd’s Leading

In John 10:3-4, Jesus, portraying Himself as a shepherd leading his sheep, says, “he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And … he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.” We are like sheep that when left to wonder on their own become disoriented, scattered, […]

Christmas Light

Christmas Light

The coming of Jesus into the world was the full manifestation of God’s love for us, and the introduction of light and life into a world filled with darkness and death, insomuch that “in Him is no darkness at all” 1 John 1:5. Light surrounded His birth; it was in the darkness of night that […]