About a month and a half after being miraculously brought out of Egypt by God His people run out of food and rather than trusting Him for more miracles they resort to complaining against Moses and Aaron, God’s ordained leaders, which God considers to be against Him! Think twice before you find fault with those […]
Posts tagged Blessing
God Our Provider
In Matthew 6:25-34 Jesus taught His disciples – and He teaches us – not to worry about life’s needs. To be certain He is not teaching a Christian welfare state where His followers do not work and just expect everything to be handed to them; indeed the Bible teaches the exact opposite, “…if anyone will […]
“For Unto Us A Child Is Born”
If we consider Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Jesus, let us consider what His birth really means. We have a tendency to focus our attention on the humble surroundings of that magnificent occurrence, the heavenly annunciations of it, and the visitors that came in witness of it. His birth was not […]
God On The Move
Today from Jeremiah 32:21 Rose introduces another of the prophetic writings God has inspired her with. Keep in mind that when God makes a prophetic statement, proclamation, or promise it is usually contingent on the response of those to whom He has spoken. Yes His word and promise will ultimately be fulfilled but by an […]
New Freedom
Jesus told a group of people that were following Him that they really needed to be set free from their old ways, habits, and bondages, in John 8:32-36. It was not enough for them to acknowledge that His preaching and teaching were true, but it needed to have a personal application and have a positive […]
Our Every Day God
“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation! Selah” Psalm 68:19. By dropping the two words “with benefits” which are not in the original manuscripts, but were added by translators in an effort to clarify, we can see a whole different picture here. Now don’t get me wrong, […]