Devotionals & Poems

Posts tagged Christian

Our Helper

Our Helper

Have you ever gotten to a place where the load is so heavy, the burden so great, and the battle so intense and long that you feel you don’t even know how to pray? Take courage, the Bible says “the Spirit also helps our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for […]

Satisfying Water

Satisfying Water

Continuing to focus on water we read in Revelation 21:6 “…I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.” Nothing can compare to clear cool water to quench the thirst of a hot laborer or a weary traveler! Other liquids may appeal to the taste buds, but they […]

Living Water

Living Water

In another meditation we talk about “Abundant water”; today we are talking about “living water”. This is water that is produced by a pure flowing stream abounding with life giving properties, as opposed to a stagnant pool of water; In a Biblical picture we can compare it to the Sea of Galilee abounding with life, […]

Abundant Blessings

Abundant Blessings

Many participate in “fasting” by abstaining from food, or from certain foods, for a period of time; it has also become popular to abstain from certain things like sports, media, etc. yet results seem minimal at best. In Isaiah 58 Israel also went through forms of “fasting” and seeking God, yet were asking “Why have […]

Peace In The kingdom

Peace In The kingdom

“The kingdom of God is at hand” Mark 1:15 (Matthew is the only gospel that uses the alternate “kingdom of heaven”). The reason the kingdom was near or at hand was because the King was near or at hand. Luke 17:21 says “The kingdom of God is within you”, this occurs when the King comes […]

The Garden Of Abundance

The Garden Of Abundance

The Christian life is like a garden into which seeds have been planted to grow and become productive. God has been a “gardener” from the beginning having planted the first garden in Genesis 2:8 into which He placed man. The produce of the garden was to supply man’s nutritional needs, verse 9; and man himself […]