God was the world’s first Gardner when He “planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed” Genesis 2:8. The garden was apparently man’s home, and it produced everything he needed to sustain him, verse 9. In turn man was also to become a Gardner with the commission […]
Posts tagged Fruitful
Like Showers That Water The Earth
God’s children are likened to a flock of sheep throughout scripture, and the prophet Ezekiel speaks of them as such. In 34:26 he says, “… I will cause showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing.” This passage is eschatological with fulfillment in three stages, beginning now with the “church […]
The Branch And The Vine
In addition to being the only begotten Son of God and the Friend and Redeemer of sinners, Jesus was the greatest teacher to ever walk planet earth. He drew many illustrations from nature teaching spiritual lessons from where the people lived. In John 15:5 He used the grape vine; there are many branches to produce […]
Living Water
In another meditation we talk about “Abundant water”; today we are talking about “living water”. This is water that is produced by a pure flowing stream abounding with life giving properties, as opposed to a stagnant pool of water; In a Biblical picture we can compare it to the Sea of Galilee abounding with life, […]
Abundant Blessings
Many participate in “fasting” by abstaining from food, or from certain foods, for a period of time; it has also become popular to abstain from certain things like sports, media, etc. yet results seem minimal at best. In Isaiah 58 Israel also went through forms of “fasting” and seeking God, yet were asking “Why have […]
The Garden Of Abundance
The Christian life is like a garden into which seeds have been planted to grow and become productive. God has been a “gardener” from the beginning having planted the first garden in Genesis 2:8 into which He placed man. The produce of the garden was to supply man’s nutritional needs, verse 9; and man himself […]