Devotionals & Poems

Posts tagged Hope



Winter is known as the coldest season of the year, the weather can become tempestuous, the nights are long and in many agricultural zones the earth seems mostly barren; all this can contribute to loneliness and despair. Winter in human life can express times of distress, loneliness, pain, suffering, lack, or hurt. Perhaps you are […]

God Has Long-Range Plans

God Has Long-Range Plans

In Jeremiah 29:11 God assures His people that His thoughts (His intentions or His plans) are to “give you a future and a hope”; although they were in captivity at that time the inference was that they should look to Him in hope. Today we live in a world that is dominated by flesh, with […]

His Presence For A New Year

His Presence For A New Year

In 2 Chronicles 15:2 Asa has inherited the throne of Judah, and Azariah is speaking in the power of prophetic voice, “Hear me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin. The Lord is with you while you are with Him…” This absolute statement applies to every one of us throughout all ages as well, and is […]

The Good News

The Good News

The word gospel means “a good message” or as someone said, “Good news”. And “The gospel of the kingdom” is super good news, the news of the heavenly realm and rule brought to this earth by Jesus the Royal King! His message from the very beginning was “…the kingdom of God is at hand…” Mark […]

Who Are You Looking To?

Who Are You Looking To?

In the book of Hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 the writer begins saying, “Looking unto Jesus …” It is by looking unto Him that we receive illumination; in John 8:12 He said, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” Only […]

Look Unto Jesus

Look Unto Jesus

Today’s meditation comes with a prophetic word that was given to Rose concerning looking unto, and focusing on, the Lord and His promises. It begins in Genesis 13:14-15 where after Abram and Lot had separated (sometimes there must be a separation from someone or something before we can experience the fullness of what God for […]

Faith Or Hope?

Faith Or Hope?

There are eight times in the New Testament epistles that faith and hope are “married” to each other in the same verse.* Both faith and hope are part of the “coat of mail” that all Christians should be wearing. For example, look at 1 Thessalonians 5:8 “…putting on the breastplate of faith…and as a helmet […]

In The Fullness Of Time

In The Fullness Of Time

The phrase “in the process of time” appears five times in the King James Version of the Old Testament translated from a combination of Hebrew words indicating that after a period of time or at a specific time certain things or events took place. While God Himself lives in eternity He deals with us in […]

Master Of The Storms

Master Of The Storms

There are several times in the Gospels where Jesus had encounters with storms at sea. Keep in mind that two of the things symbolized by the sea are life and people; and some of the things symbolized by storms are adversities, opposition, and difficulties. In Matthew 14:22-23 Jesus sent His disciples on a boat trip […]

Trustworthy, Dependable, Unfailing

Trustworthy, Dependable, Unfailing

Our title of Trustworthy, Dependable, and Unfailing are all descriptive terms of God and His word. It is very obvious that the Psalmist had a great love for this word and the God who spoke it! In Psalm 19 he begins by magnifying God for His great creation which was brought about in response to […]