If we consider Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Jesus, let us consider what His birth really means. We have a tendency to focus our attention on the humble surroundings of that magnificent occurrence, the heavenly annunciations of it, and the visitors that came in witness of it. His birth was not […]
Posts tagged Joy
As We Celebrate Christmas
As we approach the day we call Christmas we hear much said and sang about shepherds, angels, sheep, the manger; these however are not the real “Christmas” story, they are only props surrounding the real message of the occasion, the message delivered by the angel to the shepherds in Luke 2:11 was, “For there is […]
A Song In Your Heart
Singing is usually a sign or an overflow of what is in the heart. The “world” around us has many songs expressing sadness, brokenness, disappointments, and failed dreams; these are the lot of a “world” fallen into sin and apart from God. But those who have returned to Him through Jesus Christ are given a […]
The Greatest Joy
Isaiah prophesied in chapter 9:1-3 of a time when a great light would shine into the darkness of this world and it would spring forth out of “Galilee of the Gentiles”, which was so known because of the strong presence of foreign immigrants living in its northern part, and so it was held in contempt […]
“The Lord’s prayer”
Often the words in Matthew 6:9-13 are referred to as “the Lord’s prayer”. However these words are not really a prayer, but are a model teaching us how to structure a prayer. John 17, the basis of today’s meditation, is the real Lord’s Prayer where Jesus prayed for His followers, including you and me, verse […]
Sorrow Turned Into Joy Following the death of a loved one there is great sadness and sorrow among family and close friends. It was no different when Jesus died, even though He had tried to forewarn them and tell them He would rise again (John 16:16-24; Mark 8:31) they had failed to grasp and fully […]
A Prayer Of Confidence
In Psalm 17, David references his own situation in which enemies and evil men have oppressed and surrounded him. He calls on God to be his vindicator, appealing to Him for His help. There is a neat thing about Scripture, where in portions like this, it focuses on the then present time and people, yet […]
Habakkuk’s Secret
The book of Habakkuk begins on a note of despair as the prophet views the conditions around him, and dialogues with God. Then in the middle part of the book God brings him to discover the truth that “the just shall live by his faith” (Habakkuk 2:4). I believe this truth must have revolutionized the […]