Devotionals & Poems

Posts in category Fellowship

Fruit of the Spirit (Part four)

Fruit of the Spirit  (Part four)

This is the third week we are looking at the fruit of the Holy Spirit called love, which is the first of this fruit listed in Galatians 5:22, and is also a key component in our witness for the Lord Jesus according to John 13:35. The Bible actually says in 1 John 4:8 “He who […]

God is opposite

God is opposite

Into a world filled with the darkness of evil and hatred, God steps in bringing light with righteousness and love, exact polar opposites! “And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” John 1:5; the darkness does not understand the light, it cannot control it, neither it can it ever […]

Eating or drinking

Eating or drinking

Jesus was journeying from Judea to Galilee and “He needed to go through Samaria” John 4:4, even though the Jews and Samaritans did not get along too well. While the most direct route went through Samaria He had a much more urgent reason to pass through that area. There was a harvest of souls there […]

Are you a Zacchaeus?

Are you a Zacchaeus?

The story of Zacchaeus recorded in Luke 19:1-10 is a true picture of one truly seeking to know God; Jesus was passing by and Zacchaeus had a real desire to see Him, an inner urge that in Matthew 5:6 Jesus called “hunger and thirst” saying, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for […]

God speaks

God speaks

God is a communicating God that loves to communicate with His people. Often we want to communicate to Him telling Him our needs and requests; but never forget that He wants to communicate with us as well! Certainly the Scripture encourages us to “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with […]

True love

True love

Jesus said “the Father Himself loves you” (John 16:27). We know that God loves all people that He created, remember that “God is love”, 1 John 4:8, and He is “not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” 2 Peter 3:9. I believe the love Jesus is speaking about in […]



Christmas, the time many claim to celebrate the birth of Jesus our Savior, although we do not know the day of the week or of the year on which He was born. It is most probable that it was not in December based on Luke 2:8 where the shepherds were “living out in the fields […]

A Talk With Jesus

A Talk With Jesus

In Luke 24:13-35 we have the account of two of Jesus followers going to Emmaus on the day of His resurrection, they were downcast, sad, their hopes dashed, and their future plans crumbled, not really knowing how to face their future, when Jesus appeared on the road and joined them. While they had heard His […]